Start putting bullets in ICE agents. Time to rise up, but no we sit and do nothing.
Start putting bullets in ICE agents. Time to rise up, but no we sit and do nothing.
Don’t you have to be dead to be on currency? If so he can be on any bill he wants long as he is dead.
We don’t manufacture cars in the United States we assemble them. Most of the parts for cars are made outside of the states. Mainly in China.
Cruelty is the point. That actually hope they will die. Trump and co don’t see them as human.
No he had his face stuck to Trump ass and some it transferred to Zuck.
What the fuck the Bernie?
Yep back to the 1800’s when food literally was killing people daily.
Also look at that thumbnail Trump is fucking loss.
I follow one guy living and traveling in his van and now my feed is swarmed with those types of videos.
Also the amount people literally living homeless but pretending to be doing the van life is sad.
I hope you don’t breed.
Not bad idea.
Doesn’t support Galaxy phones unfortunately.
Aren’t they same kind people who anti mask during covid. It should be legal to shoot these fucks. Also isn’t mask illegal now in mega world?
Are we shocked. It’s rhetorical question because anyone who pays attention knew this is where we are headed.
If I remember correctly even though in the United States you can sell your plasma it isn’t used for medical purposes like they claim. Instead it goes into makeup and other crap. Found out apparently it’s illegal to sell your blood and plasma for medical use. You can donate it though.
I see never used Bumble, well are they changing it back? What other features does it hold? Is like all the rest now were you swipe left or right? I used OKCUPID back when you had to put thought into your profile. And the longer the better.
Huh the app lost 53% of stock price so no whatsoever she was doing didn’t work why they fired her ass.
Yeah I can see how women message first will tank a dating app. That fucking stupid. I get it that women get bombarded with messages from guys on dating apps. But guess what all the time I used the apps 0% was I ever messaged by a woman.
Women don’t chase men because they don’t have too. I knew several women I help set up their dating profiles. They would get a 1000 hits, mostly guys says “hey” or the worse be :hey baby".
How I realize just how easy and why I never had problems with dating apps. You got to give a woman more then hey and calling them baby is just cringe. Then you get the guys straight up asking for sex or nudes. Anyways point is having the app where the men can’t make a move unless the women contact you? Will not work wtf was she thinking?
Hell most of them like to just scroll, none of them were interested in making the first move.
Supreme Court gave him immunity, hell he fucking old as shit. He could kill the lot of them, we build moments in his honor if he took that one act and sava America.
To bad not in the states, I have a few ways we could use it.