Cool to see.
I am curious though, does Slackware do anything that other Distros can’t?
Is there a reason to choose it over say Debian or Fedora aside from it being around for so long and the nostalgia factor
Cool to see.
I am curious though, does Slackware do anything that other Distros can’t?
Is there a reason to choose it over say Debian or Fedora aside from it being around for so long and the nostalgia factor
The picture has Centra brand products. Centra is a chain of Irish convenience stores with a bunch of own brand products.
Also OP mentions being Irish on their profile
Hello fellow Irish Lemmy user
Anyone else think the logo for Fennec is better than Firefox
Sorry, yes I couldnt think of the word.
I’m going to assume you are not a troll lol.
Its a frame from Indiana Jones. A movie about an American archeology professor exploring places for ancient artifacts.
In the first movie, he is searching for the Holy Grail but is also fighting a bunch of actual Nazis.
The joke here is that Indiana Jones is an actual professor in these movies. In real life, college professors tend to lean politically left.
Meanwhile, hes beating the shit out of a Nazi. Modern day Nazis adore Donald Trump and so obviously lean far right.
So Indiana Jones beating up a Nazi is like a leftie professor beating up and an Alt Right Trump supporter.
Its not funny since I have to explain it now. But on the 0.01% chance you are not a troll, at least now you know
I mean fuck violence, but also fuck trump supporters lol
Also .ml , .ee and .one
And not pooping
“Can we have something like multireddits please”
“Can someone explain how the Fediverse works”
“I’m making a new Lemmy app”
“I can’t wait for [x] to make a Lemmy app”
“Wtf is a tankie”
“[A meme about being trans]”
“[A meme about being neuro-atypical]”
“[A meme you have seen reposted a dozen times elsewhere]”
“I miss Apollo”
PS, I dont mean this in a bad way. I love Lemmy and it is hugely encouraging to see so many people use it. I’m just poking fun at trends I’m seeing emerge.
I’m sure Meta’s lawyers are shaking in their boots lol
I love my Fairphone 3. This is great news.
This seems to fix it. I have no idea how or what caused that setting to be enabled since I did not change it.
I can see my posts etc now. Thank you for the tip.
Won’t somebody please think about the poor lowly fossil fuel company shareholders.
How will they ever achieve pertetual growth every quarter if this tech gains traction.
We should tax these new technologies so that fossil fuels can still compete
/s in case its not obvious lol
Went down a bit of a rabbit hole here. Very interesting. Would love to see a Vsauce style video going into various real life examples of this
Thanks for sharing.
Unfettered Capitalism breeds emshitification.
Why build and keep a great product when shareholders will always push for more growth and higher revenue. Even if that means laying off your best devs and pissing off users.
Not through the API call, but elsewhere like when you make an account on their website etc
As far as I know, companies like Gfycat make money by selling API access to different apps. Like say in a messaging app likeTelegram or Signal. The easiest way for them to integrate a gif search and send function inside of messages is through API access to Gfycat’s servers. Gfycat then charges them for this streamlined integration and access.
That plus selling user data or ads on their website means they will have some revenue. I dont know if its enough to keep them afloat. Since they are shutting down, I’m guessing it didnt pan out so well.
Low to medium graphics settings, 60fps @ 720p or 30fps @ 800p.
Anything in that range or higher and I’m happy