Imagine being on the climbing wall and the ship just tilts over like that rotating room from inception.
Hello I am new, confused and excited about Lemmy! I like the vibes.
Imagine being on the climbing wall and the ship just tilts over like that rotating room from inception.
I got chills when he said that line. Game wasn’t wrong.
I still have dvds and a dvd player like an old person for just this reason.
Right!? When am not at work I am doing side hustles so I can afford extra things like clothes, food and air conditioning.
Have we tried turning it off and turning it back on again?
Pretty sure there are some rules about not forcibly relocating US citizens to foreign war zones. Ah, who am I kidding, rules don’t apply to the GOP anymore.
Asking the real questions here.
Don’t forget the mercury poisoning!
My uncle repaired airplanes for a living. I have never flown as an adult and I hopefully never will. Somethings I just can’t unlearn. When he first started things were great, but by the time he retired it was a shitshow of cutting corners on replacement parts and who knows what else.
🎶 sacred, every sperm is great… 🎶
I’ll be your friend! I love tea. I mostly drink Earl Grey and Chai, but I do love me some PG Tips on occasion. What kinds do you like?
I’m torn between “this is SO COOL” and “this is TERRIFYING.”
Yup, they are not stable enough to withstand wind events and will float away in floods even if ancored to the gound. Maybe if you put one on a real solid foundation, but most of the ones in my area are placed on cinderblocks stacked under each corner with some plastic skirting slapped up around it.
I’ve spent a good amount of my life living in mobile homes of various ages and yeah the newer one’s are nicer, but I still had the feeling I was living in a particle board box what was one disaster away from collapsing like a house of cards.
Look I just wanna watch Zuck make Elon punch himself until he cries. Is that too much to ask?
Man I thought by 2023 I’d be taking my jetpack to my moon meetings not arguing over whether we should strip mine the damn place.
You sure can haz buddy.
This is beautiful
Starlink is the only thing that works at my house. It is amazing. The difference between the less than dial up speeds of Hugesnet and the damn near Comcast high speed that is Starlink. It’s the only way I can view the internet as more than just text blocks.