I keep recommending Tribler and I don’t know why it’s not more popular. Anything wrong with it?
Floris Jan van Fleppensteyn
I keep recommending Tribler and I don’t know why it’s not more popular. Anything wrong with it?
I remember Death Clock from my middle school times (early 2000s) https://web.archive.org/web/20080510112324/https://www.death-clock.org/
It was popular enough that I was asked to calculate classmate’s death dates for them (not many people had internet yet).
On winecfg you can try the checks on the Graphics tab, it shouldn’t break anything. Also, try to change the Windows version. Sometimes either XP or 7 work better. You’re right about it being c++, not sure which one I installed, maybe this one: https://github.com/abbodi1406/vcredist
Install the full Visual Studio runtime and try some different settings with winecfg. People recommend Lutris but for me it never made a difference
I often do surveys online and the American ones always ask this. They like to lump all people who look alike together and don’t even bother asking where you’re from. They really believe we are split in different species or something.
Does Lutris require some special setup?
Using fitgirl repacks are a bit hit and miss for me. But if they don’t work, Lutris doesn’t help.
I haven’t seen such warnings for years anymore
I’ll just mention QMMP which is basically a Winamp clone. Works great and I’ve used it for many years now.
Many people my age have terrible boomer parents who just had kids because “that’s just what you do”. They didn’t even consider you could just not make babies.
Maybe we just think more for ourselves than the older generation.
Just tried it and it’s annoying. Also the calculation line doesn’t follow the font settings.
I’m normally using Albert Launcher to calculate, similar to krunner, it works better.
hand over to the teacher
Weird. One teacher, so this is elementary school?
We only have to buy our own stuff starting middle school and it’s only pens and paper and such. And a backpack but mine lasted all 4 years.
spend an average of $701 per child
What are you Americans buying for school?
Some notebooks, agenda, pens, pencil, ruler… It’s not all that expensive
I really doubt that.
Czechia. In many supermarkets “discounts” only apply when you have a card/app. Essentially the “discount” is normal price, otherwise you’ll pay nearly double.
I’m using fake names on all those things, but prices without loyalty are often insane. It’s basically an extra tourist tax.
I rarely use cash. Nearly everything I spend is on supermarket and they know exactly what I buy because we’re forced to use their “loyalty” programs anyway.
Then traveling: dealing with other currencies, coming home with unspendable money. And there’s no interest on cash lying around.
But I hate the tendency for places to not accept cash at all, there should still be a choice.
One bonus is that I keep finding money on the streets in countries that love cash.
I haven’t used it in a while but Aeroinsta was good and probably safe (despite their shady website). Gets rid of unnecessary stuff like ads and allows downloading.
Depends where you go. My Czech bank card is a debit card with a number on it that you can use like a credit card. Dutch banks don’t have this and we use different online payment methods. I never really needed a credit card for anything (until I traveled in France) so the price to have one is not worth it.
You’re not supporting development, you’re supporting a rich guy getting richer:
Interesting to note that the Mozilla CEO earned nearly as much ($5.6 M) as Mozilla received in donations ($7 M).
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