How does it solve the problem of dependencies without becoming bloated?
How does it solve the problem of dependencies without becoming bloated?
This really is the key. The question, in my opinion, is not whether the person is nuts or not but if their belief, condition, behavior is so strong that it affects their life in a detrimental way. If it does then it’s a disorder and they need help to get their life back on track. If not, well, their life is alright and not affecting anyone else in a detrimental way? They are free to live out their life as they want to
Well that’s kinda worrying
According to the article the linear algebra algorithm has a running time of O(log n)
Sooo what was the bug? That it didn’t randomise MACs when connecting?
How does this work against DNS blocks? I assume if you use your ISPs DNS server and they block that domain ECH won’t help
After reading a bit about shell on Wikipedia it seems they’re quite experienced with greenwashing
I’ve started to use trackercontrol. Mainly because it’s not only for ads but also tracking in general. It reports which apps that contact what companies and it allows you to block them without root. And it’s mainly made by the university of Oxford
Yeah I’m gonna need a source on that because googling around says the -less suffix means without