There is nothing you can do about users taking screenshots.
What most professional photographers do is watermark the low resolution preview pictures, and only genrate download links once paid
There is nothing you can do about users taking screenshots.
What most professional photographers do is watermark the low resolution preview pictures, and only genrate download links once paid
Videos are content. Being a content creator doesn’t require the content to be of value to everyone.
But making videos on the internet is literally content creation
In most places its not legal to serve yourself alcohol you brought to the restaurant yourself. So as a compromise many restraunt owners will allow you to bring a bottle of wine that they dont carry, and then charge you a fee to serve it to you. This means they are staying within the law with respect to liquor laws.
For example where I it is illegal to give away alcohol tor free. If a restaurant serves it to you, even if you purchased it before hand, they would be serving it for free and thus a violation of the liquor laws; hence the corkage fee which allows restaurants to so serve you your wine within the law.
A few charged for opening a bottle of wine. It used to only be charged if you brought your own bottle to the restaurant.
I usually just say " odd, i cant seem to find that one"