Good for them. Still won’t give them money ever
Good for them. Still won’t give them money ever
That’s literally the point of LLMs though isn’t it? An LLM was made to read computer language and output accordingly to reach a goal. I thought that’s what all llms were meant to do.
All it means is I’ll have more free time without being addicted to random Videos on YouTube. It’ll probably be better for my mental health when they cripple yt that bad where I just won’t use it other then emergency DIY stuff
I’ve been anticipating then begging me for more personal info…I went ahead and created a new paid email with separate provider, migrated all my personal important stuff to that and set it up with my own domain .
The day they demand more info, I’ll just abandon it. Google is the new Hotmail. Nothing but spam
Re-upload it 100 times over…fuck em
I just look at the screen with my eyeballs…
I don’t go out to use my phone.
Just tell me your domain and I’ll check it out by using my keyboard, u less it’s for a menu… then I’m going elsewhere.
Until they realize the average wasent enough and hand you a massive bill at the end of the year.
For me, telecom companies just randomly jack the costs and hope you don’t look. I’ve caught them constantly adding $20 to my set rate and claim ‘oh this special promotion ended’ when I don’t even have promotions.
Never trust companies to just take your money without looking at the invoice.
No, fuck even SLIGHTLY thinking it’s ok because it’s only 50 cents. Next month it’ll be 75cents, then a dollar… it ONLY goes up, do not normalize bullshit fees because ‘its only 50 cents’
It’s fun arguing with companies that claim they can’t send paper bills anymore.
Straws are for people with tiny hands and full diapers
Yeah people tend to adhere to strict demands when they are known to disappear. Listen, OR ELSE. So no shit…
I’m still sitting on a 1080 because I hate everything they have done.
Just take the shelf apart. I’m sure it’s just some shitty plastic flap with a crappy lock. Cheapest crap they can get.
Hard no to that. As if they are denying people medicine because they want to harvest your information.
I have never once bought a physical blueray, or used one that isn’t digital.
Sounds like another reason to keep dumping google crap