no no no, by “hold accountable”, they mean “make epic twitter clapbacks” and then do nothing materially.
no no no, by “hold accountable”, they mean “make epic twitter clapbacks” and then do nothing materially.
very funny to see the results of the last few dem primaries and still think that voters choose who the candidate will be
you should show all of these posts you’re making to your insurance provider, maybe they’ll knock a few bucks off your deductible for your undying loyalty
“your hate isn’t welcome”
does nothing at all to stop it
hmm, this is going to cost them the elec- wait a minute
time for plan B, love didn’t work out :/
why are dems trying to appeal to trump supporters?? they will never ever vote for you! that’s the entire point! this campaign failed because they tried to appeal to trump voters and ate shit!! holy fuck, maybe they should focus on appealing to their voter base, the people who might actually vote for them. jesus christ lmao democrats are fucking doomed.
scratched liberals not beating the “actually just a fascist” allegations any time soon
both parties experienced depressed voter turnout compared to 2020. trump lost about 5m compared to his 2020 numbers, but the Dems lost about 20m compared to 2020. people are not going to get out and vote for a Diet Republican campaign that ignores their concerns to court a mythical moderate conservative population that both does not exist, and would not vote for them if they did. it’s the EXACT same unforced error they made in 2016, and it caused a complete collapse of the democrat voter base.
Go ahead and blame the Democrats
I will. they ran an absolute dogshit campaign with no intention of winning, to appease their donors, which cost them the election. everything that happens under trump is on their hands. for a party supposedly fighting against the rise of fascism, they didn’t try very hard at all.
why are you scared to say you think incarcerated people deserve to be subjected to involuntary servitude? feels too slimy to say out loud?
The_Slavery_Enjoyer has logged on
evil Russian spies are manipulating your updoots to steal the election, that’s SO true. a very reasonable thing to be worried about. it couldn’t possibly be that people disagree with you. it’s the Russian agents.
I heard this in 2016 as well, and famously, trump was voted out of office the very next election 🤔
Lemmy was built by communists. you would be better served by going back to Reddit.
current day libs will have rehabilitated trump sometime in the next 20 years. I am willing to bet every dollar I own on that. it will happen, just like bush and cheney have been rehabilitated.
the democrats have received endorsements from dick fucking cheney and ex-reagan staffers. they have campaigned on building the border wall more efficiently, shutting down asylum and hiring more border guards. in the debate she promised the American military will be the most lethal fighting force in the world. democrats USED to campaign on medicare for all, a path to citizenship, ending forever wars, etc. the rightward shift of the party is abundantly clear to anyone not just playing team sports. you need to come to terms with the fact that your party has been assimilated by neoconservatives and push back on it, or it’s only going to continue.
sorry, I don’t vote for hitlers :/ if Harris wanted me to vote for her this election, she could’ve run on not being Hitler (as 101,000 uncommitted voters in Michigan, a very important swing state, asked her to), but she didn’t, so I won’t. I really hope her strategy of courting all 6 moderate republicans in the country at the expense of anyone to the left of the party works out, but if 2016 is anything to go off of, it won’t.
doesn’t sound like very much of a democracy, does it?
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