Any relation to Outer Worlds?
Any relation to Outer Worlds?
Welcome to the real world.
How do you know that someone is a vegan? He will spur shit around and pretend there is a deep thought behind it.
It’s an opinion, not a dissertation.
Now read again. Slowly.
Which reminds me about a nice steak waiting for me for my dinner .
Most? Have you got any stats to prove the point?
I strongly disagree with your “summer” statement but I wholeheartedly agree with your “air-condition” point.
Should I upvote or downvote?
The main culprit are Paradox
Paradox dumbified their games with each next iteration which is the best visible in Victoria 2 to Victoria 3 movement (but also in some aspects V1R to V2).
I personally gave up on them. Modders can do much better games on their engines than Paradox themselves - see Arsenal of Democracy as an example. To make it worse, Paradox devs are arrogant as fuck and unable to accept any criticism.
I learned, that these people don’t have any use for facts. Those will only make things worse. What they really need is therapy.
Yup, ideally a compulsory one.
Yeah, just Google it instead.
Oh, German=Nazi reference, how original.
Fucking criminals.
Did your mother drop you on your head when you were a baby?
So, the bot has more decency than an average Israeli official?
If it looks like duck…
2 years together eh? Just wait few more years or until you have children.
I am not a native speaker and yet I have no issue with understanding his comment.
You may have mistaken him with your wife?
You are an arrogant arsehole.