Bahahaha $240/yr is beyond ludicrous. They should be paying us to use it lol.
Bahahaha $240/yr is beyond ludicrous. They should be paying us to use it lol.
Things will be certifiably worse if you don’t.
No no, you’re really not far off. Few, if any people here are advocating for CF to continue to provide the same services for the same price. It seems clear to most (including the author) that a price increase was justified. The problem we’re all having is how they went about it, agnostic of the client.
(I don’t care who the client was and don’t care one way or the other about online casinos.)
If they’re charging $120,000 per client, it only takes 17 potential lost customers to constitute “millions.” It’s realistic that at least 17 companies might be put-off with the way this was handled.
Just because you don’t like online casinos, doesn’t mean cloudflare didn’t completely fuck this up. They could have negotiated reasonable terms to increase their revenue on this account instead of going the route of stonewalling and extortion.
So not only did they lose this customer, but this bad press will ensure a lot of others never sign up with them, potentially costing them millions in foregone sales.
Yeah this was a massive boondoggle…
New 3DS Plus Teams 2024 ME+ Pro U
Wait are you joking or is this real? That is a ridiculous name/version.
Do you have to mash it? Or will pressing it normally work?
This is the kind of post that scares me away from trying Linux.
What??? Are you really equating any mention of the word “white” with race? And further, calling people racist for being confused at the absolutely pointless change to a commonly used term that has been used for decades?
Holy shit we deserve the impending apocalypse/civil war/breakdown of society. We’ve earned it.
Does it really say “allowlisted” instead of “whitelisted?” WTF?
Yep, it just mounts like an external USB drive and you can load it with epub files. Alternatively, you can use calibre that will handle your library on your computer and will detect and load what you want on the Kindle as you desire.
Up to 6. My family of 7 had to split into two different accounts to get us all on Fi. Still, 7 people for $160 (80+80) isn’t too bad, and way better than the $300+ I was paying on Verizon.
You can do this with a kindle, too. I’m not advocating for them specifically, just pointing out that you can use a Kindle in a similar way. I’ve never even enabled WiFi on it. Just drag and drop some epubs on it via USB once in a while. Works great, is cheap, and is waterproof.
I just bought their kindle and never connect it to WiFi. Just load some books on it with USB once in a while. Works great, was cheap, and is waterproof.
I have a 2017 Nissan versa and it’s like a fleet trim or something. No power anything (locks or windows) no computer touch screen system, not even a chipped key! Manual transmission and gets almost 40mpg. What you want is out there, it’s just hard to find because the car manufacturers won’t make as much margin on them.
If the programmers have any competence, the update will just fail and you’ll have to restart the process.
I’m just disappointed they didn’t do the proper conversion from USD to GBP. Should only be about £6.50!
But wouldn’t that mean the bottom checkbox should be cleared and the 2nd one should be checked?
Still doesn’t make sense.