There’s plenty of people on masto saying they have accounts on both but prefer bsky due to difficulty managing replies.
As I say I don’t really understand it but it’s a real thing big accounts experience.
There’s plenty of people on masto saying they have accounts on both but prefer bsky due to difficulty managing replies.
As I say I don’t really understand it but it’s a real thing big accounts experience.
The tagging sounds great. One of the problems with masto is showing the hashtags in the body making posts that use them look awful, and of course being entirely set by the author
I think there’s a fairly serious problem for large accounts on mastodon but I will never have one so I can’t quite understand it myself.
Something like dealing with replies / scolds without spending all day blocking is too hard. It doesn’t help that “no algorithm” means “show first reply at the top” so quick replies can dominate comments.
The bit I don’t understand is why this is fine on blue sky. Is it just different users? I can’t quite believe that but I can’t see why blue sky would be less annoying.
It does have keyword blocking.
Not sure what nuclear block means but I can’t think of any way a blocked person could be seen again. It even has above nuclear blocking where you block their entire server.
It has custom feeds but the implementation with lists is very fiddly and I wish it would be improved.
There is a trending posts section but I think you want a personalised discover feed? Which will never happen of course.
Despite my drive-by shitposts in the rest of this thread I want to make a serious point here.
There’s a large part of software engineering that thinks languages are chosen based on the problem, as a tool for a job.
They aren’t. They’re chosen based on the team, on how well the team knows and can use the tool. On how many people can be hired with the knowledge of the tool to work immediately.
Sometimes, even if the team knows C well, there can be a problem so different it’s worth using another tool. say python for some testing scripts on a C project.
But rust and C are too similar for this to apply. If you want rust to be used for the kernel you have to push for it to be more well known and used, so more Devs come into teams already knowing it well. Anyone agreeing to work on a team using rust is making a career decision that will be stay on their CV forever and you need them to feel good about this, that it will give them more opportunity in future.
It’ll take 20+ years because that’s how long legacy code is often maintained for and we already have 20+ years of future legacy code for C teams to deal with. We’re all making more future legacy C code than future legacy rust code too.
I’m trapped in C++ so I’m doomed but good luck C and Rust coders.
C++ is a semi automatic shotgun with 200 barrels pointing in all directions.
Junior Devs could never code, yes including us
In a brief statement, the UK government said it had not been able to add its name to it because of concerns about national security and “global governance.”
No idea if thats a real reason or not.
Great at raising money, even better at giving it to nvidia
At absolute best it’s breaking even before debt service.
Maybe he’s still not just paying rent on some buildings and miraculously hasn’t been kicked out yet
The EU is doing great. It can pay for loads of stuff with the endless fines American tech companies rack up
I’m posting the same comment in two replies here now, terrible behaviour, but yes exactly this was an attempt to force a sale and get tiktok into American ownership.
It feels very neat that America would think tiktok would ultimately choose the option where it gets more money, but that the Chinese instead choose control.
The theory is the tiktok “ban” was an attempt to force a sale on favourable terms , but tiktok has called the bluff.
The comments here show the real problem, adverts dont have to say why they’ve been selected.
All online ads should have to say which filters they matched to advertise to you. The advertising in most cases now is centralised into Google or Facebook, this is absolutely technically possible.
I’m glad it’s not just me
Yes as others said, the op mentioned notepad and you said notebookllm.
I thought you were talking about notepad and it’s new ai features.
You’re using the wrong tool.
Hell, notepad is the wrong tool for every use case, it exists in case you’ve broken things so thoroughly on windows that you need to edit a file to fix it. It’s the text editor of last resort, a dumb simple file editor always there when you need it.
Adding any feature (except possibly a hex editor) makes it worse at its only job.
This doesn’t sound like a great company.
/glances at substack
I hope that too. It would be nice.
There have been cases of crypto miners embedded but once discovered they’re nuked so quick it’s hard to get more than rumours.
C# modding is the most likely vector (rimworld, cities skylines, unity stuff) but Skyrim skse mods are raw code too. All can be misused.
Usually lua mods have a sandbox so they’re safe. Eg.factorio. and, um, more but my mind has gone blank.