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just create a “fuckyoaccount” over at protonmail and log in.
I was an early adherent to unique passwords for every login. Now I’m doing a unique email as well. Works a treat, and fucks up their marketing too which warms my heart.
It’s firing those people after 3 days of non compliance… Why is anyone surprised that Amazon gonna be Amazon?
Love their watches.
This just in: Apparently, Lemmy was not included in the evaluation. lmao
Are you still arguing with a ghost? Nobody said a car doesn’t go through environmental changes… It just has nothing to do with this discussion.
Oh wow … You think one letter is the only problem with that?
I don’t care what the specs of the printer are. This is a discussion about repeatability.
I can get sub micron repeatability out of playdough with the right extruder and hardener. Every single one of you has been arguing from an entirely false premise to begin with.
Ah, shit… I guess my great, great, great, 100x great Martian grandkids will have to suffer leaked dickpics from ancient times.
Ah, yes. Another intellectually impartial post. lmfao
It’s not possible to make liberal cesspools any worse, so… Things are looking up!
Weird… And yet, ads from the world’s biggest advertisers are still regularly shown to me on X…
…was the search actually misspelled that badly?
I’ve already said a dozen times: no shit Sherlock, this is absolutely unnecessary for this application.
It’s also completely irrelevant to change up the environmental parameters when that is not a constraint set at the outset of this conversation.
I swear to God, it’s like there’s an entire subspecies of moron non-engineers who exist for the sole purpose of arguing where no argument exists.
Please make sure Form Labs, and the rest of the companies I have worked for, are aware of how wrong their engineers are.
I’m not sure what the obsession is with arguing against the list of objective facts I have provided - each argument peeling away into a deeper and more obvious lack of understanding…
Please feel free to run anything other than the recommended wavelength of UV light through a photoreactive polymer resin and let me know the dimensions of your resulting print. Remember to do it twice, so you can compare the results - the point of this discussion. Repeatable results, to 1 micron of accuracy.
(your repeatable result will be a measurement of thin air, as your print will not cure - but feel free to try, as I’ve said.)
Shocking narcissism, yet again.
You clearly have no intent to learn from your mistakes and pollute your entire argument with ad hominem and every other logical fallacy in the book - all wrapped up with a bow of dismissal of the original premise.
Oh, and by the way, light is both a particle and a wave. “light has a size” - indeed, the wave of light we aren’t talking about has a size - called wavelength. Don’t be afraid to use the most accurate terminology for your irrelevant responses! The wavelength has zero influence on the dimensions of the final product, as any wavelength more than a couple nm out of spec won’t cure the resin at all, and there will be no object to measure. I think you know that and are just trying to win an argument by talking over the heads of the average readers on here - which doesn’t help your case.
It’s extremely likely you legitimately have a personality disorder, and are capable of much more if you clean up your act.
Don’t forget - it’s not as simple as just buying the printer. You need the right resin, several iterations of test models, and the right modifications of the model to work within the constraints of the printer and material.
With the right tuning, you will be able to create parts which measure within 1 micron tolerance reliably. (don’t forget to use an indicator and good reference blocks - you aren’t going to measure microns with a caliper or micrometer)
Please stop being confused about the capabilities of modern SLA/DLP processes.
What is the diameter of A PHOTON? And don’t forget to answer ignorantly, in a condescending i-know-more-than-my-betters tone. No, seriously - look it up. You clearly don’t know.
How many blood cells wide is light? By all means - tell me what the particulate size of photocuring resin might be? Could it be…2 microns maximum even for the largest ceramic-infused resin slurry - with sub-micron particulate sizes easily available even from Amazon? Yes - far, far smaller than blood cells. This is why you can’t let this shit get on your skin. It will literally traverse the blood-brain barrier. The fumes can get particles of this size into your bloodstream.
Well, what on earth can I do to get 1 micron accuracy from zero-width photons and 2-micron UV cured particles? Perhaps - design my model to be LITERALLY ANY SIZE that happens to be divisible by 2 on X, Y, and Z axes, then center it on the build plate?
Can you please get with the program, here? I’ve likely been doing this work longer than you’ve been alive. I’m not even supporting Elon’s demand, which is almost certainly unnecessary for this application.
You’re changing the premise of the question.
Pick a temperature - design your model to be whatever you need it to be at that target temperature - just like every other engineer with 26 years of experience, such as myself.
(by the way, my UV resin printer is quite temperature stable.)
Seems like a reasonable next step!
Same… I don’t understand the appeal of Chrome. I think they used a new java engine like 10 years ago and beat Firefox in a handful of benchmarks, and then Firefox conclusively and irreconcilably trounced Chrome a few months later, never letting up a bit.