Plenty of unemployed AI ethics folks around to ask.
Plenty of unemployed AI ethics folks around to ask.
Maybe don’t invest in pyramid schemes?
The more precisely you can count time, the more precisely and finely you can measure other things. This not only applies to fast phenomenon. It can also be used for syncing up multiple measurements made in different places; like that image of a black hole we got a couple of years ago.
It’s another step in getting a finer resolution on the universe.
Tl;Dr They are trying to make a better atomic clock that could provide a more precise definition of a second then we currently have.
I’ve thought a lot about this, and I’d like to say: “Reddit can kiss my entire ass.”
I don’t think this isgoing to have much success, anyone that volunteers for this is braindead already
Sorry, not sorry.
Do it, you cuck.
Bob I’m going to need to look into that codec bug in Firefox. Also, how’s that car review coming along?
Did they stop being a creepy ass cult?
Well, X can fuck right off.
Oh no!..Anyway.
But bunker fuel is cheap!
Good thing twitter is dead or this might have mattered.
That’s why manufacturering was sent over there in the first place, to exploit a labor market that works harder for less.
We are not lazy, we just know we are getting fucked and are not too afraid to speak up about it.
To tag onto this, what makes RHEL so special? Is it just the support you get from Red Hat or is there something about the distro that makes it so widely used?
Run a minecraft server: https://youtu.be/FJYvx42j7OU
I played on it when it was up and it was fairly stable.
Honestly, I don’t doubt that they have a battery that could scale up to give thar kind of performance. But, the infrastructure to support it is just not there. Hell, just to run power to the fast charges we have now is barely feasible without upgrading the utility to the property. Point it the bottleneck isn’t the battery, it’s getting that much power to the battery without resorting to cables and connectors used to provide shorepower to cruise ships.
1)Aim thruster retrograde 2)fire! 3)Enjoy starlink meteor shower!
It’s a Google problem, Firfox’s built in privacy tools are working as intended.