Nothing makes me realize I left my glasses at home quite like this post. 🤣
Nothing makes me realize I left my glasses at home quite like this post. 🤣
They’re engaged in one activity and not the other.
It’s pretty dummy friendly. Accept that some things may not work or will work differently (Most notably tap to pay is a no go AFAIK,) and be willing to learn if something comes up would probably be how I describe it. The only problem that might turn up that an app that you need doesn’t pass gOS’ security checks, but there’s an app level setting to lessen security restrictions if it’s something you NEED.
Otherwise, meh? Flashing back to stock is super easy via a google web tool if you don’t like it. (I had to for a trip, Ticketmaster was being wonky and all my shows were ticketmaster haha. I’ve never had a problem before with the Ticketmaster app so IDK if it’s an ongoing thing or not)
I know some sites (at least used to) ask you to please torrent if possible.
My “progressive” friends are this way - “everyone already has everything, whatever who cares”
Eh, if they went imperial they would be subject to imperial needs leading to all the usual imperial problems.
Funny how Congress “can’t just legislate over SCOTUS” but only when it’s an issue of human rights. Corporate rights or Capital interests? BULLDOZE THAT DECISION BABYYYY
It strips the tracking data to and from the engines, so if you tuck it behind a vpn, GG.
I’m a combat vet and I fell on the side of never owning a gun. Gun culture makes me uncomfortable. “When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.” and whatnot.
I’m in big cities a lot and I’m just fine. Plus, I actually enjoy my day instead of existing in this perpetual state of anxiety (or depressingly for a lot of people, hope) of “Do I shoot someone today?”
🎵 Hey, hi, you’re the problem it’s you! 🎵
By peons*
Totally fine when they do it.
I’d argue those people were necessary, what with how public opinion works.
If we’re in a tug of war and you’re pulling with 10 pounds of force, I can’t beat you with 2 pounds of force. In context, you won’t beat “ITLL MAKE YOU GO BLIND AND KILL YOU” with “heeey, like, jot always, maaaannnnn.”
As always, reality is somewhere in the middle, but we wouldn’t have had the progress we did without the other extreme being loud and out there.
All is legal in the eyes of capital.
I always see unhinged folk making bad faith arguments or outright shit talk shriek about being banned from ml instances for “disagreeing” then turn around and cheer when .world bans you for linking a source or something.
I’m glad it worked for you, it borked the fuck out of my system 🤣
Same as it ever was 🤷♂️
Get to it then. 🤷♂️
I got a nice LG C3 on an open box deal, I connected it to run updates and fiddle for a few, then deleted the apps and took it offline.
I don’t use it but I have a self hosted llama instance that works alright.