Hopefully you no longer consider yourself a “conservative” because that party left you behind over a decade ago.
Hopefully you no longer consider yourself a “conservative” because that party left you behind over a decade ago.
Truth. Lol
Yeah, and if you ever ask a vet what they did, unless they’d been to literal war, they’re going to tell you that they were basically just put in charge of stocking a broom closet and were bored 95% of the time.
Edit: just want to add that I do respect the military, and if anyone wants to tell me why I’m wrong, I’d love to hear lol
If I saw this in the wall of a place I wanted to shop at, I’d probably just leave
This is the way. I wish more people would accept what is quite literally only minor inconvenience in the name of starving these insane companies. We honestly have it so good in most of modern society, and some things are just totally optional imo.
I care because it’s dumb and petty, and I refuse to let dumb petty things get an easy pass.
China isn’t going to come get me because Trump and his cronies don’t like my lifestyle
The way to go about this is to just download Linux Mint and begin using it. No additional overthinking is necessary. You’ll be able to get Steam working pretty easy, if that’s your thing. Internet bowsers and a word processor are already installed and working out of the box.
Dang it, was going to make this same joke lol
This person may have voted in the latest election. Did you? Hahaha
Excited to see if he pardons Hezbollah
Does it feel good knowing that you and millions of others abstained, and we ended up with Trump as a result? Good job.
Absolutely disgusting
Didn’t verify, but someone said it was only reversed in like one out of the five proposed states. Figures
Not every county, city, or location has this rule.
This is a list of people who’s creations I’d like to avoid, if at all possible.
It’s obvious for several people on this list, but how do I boycott someone like the Oracle guy? As a non-tech guy, it just seems impossible. I don’t even recognize several of these people, tbh.
Grow up
Yeah, I thought Google was so cool around 2004. Now I can’t wait for them to become irrelevant. I need to stop using “googling” as a verb…
Forgotten benefits of gasoline: you can fix it yourself and you’re not locked into a shiny new consumerist downward spiral that demands you buy a new vehicle every ten years when the car can’t go 200 miles in a single charge anymore? And the next guy who gets the battery powered vehicle is just worse off than you were, as the poorer along us suffer even worse condition vehicles and the risk of massive expenses in the way of new battery failure. Why is nobody concerned with the fact that batteries are going to lock us into excess and unavoidable consumerism as they degrade? Engines -might- fail, but batteries -will- fail.
List one battery powered device that isn’t basically disposable.
I’m sure the doctors will be forced to put them on the list. No doctor visits for women until they determine whether the pregnancy is going to kill them or not, because they’ll be fuckd the second the State finds out.