Content moderation is gonna be tough, especially when advertising for absolute freedom of speech. It’s possible trolls will ruin the environment in a very short time if moderation and its rules wouldn’t be very clear and applied when necessary
Content moderation is gonna be tough, especially when advertising for absolute freedom of speech. It’s possible trolls will ruin the environment in a very short time if moderation and its rules wouldn’t be very clear and applied when necessary
I’m really sorry to bother but the link provided does not work for me, I also tried to use the way back machine but it seems no one has saved a clear copy of the page so far… Have you another link to a non-paywalled version of the article to share by chance? Thank you for your help in any case!!
Sorry to hear that, it’s the same for us in Italy tho where our taxes are also used to support religious schools. Furthermore, churches and any business associated with the Catholic church do not pay any tax at all thanks to Mr. Mussolini and the lateranensi pacts who defined anything religious as exempted from state control or overview; so we are not only robbed by force through our taxes being distributed to catholic schools, but we are also robbed of all the missing income we could collect from church activities who turn a profit at the end of the month (and they are many, surprisingly priests seem to love money very much. Probably as much as jesoous)
Also implementing the separation between church and state at school level would be a major win to crack the nut(case) that religious extremists are.
No child indoctrination = less grown-ups nutcases running around and acting according to childish believes
It’s useless to cite Karl Popper to centrists, they are just rightoids who don’t have the courage to admit this simple fact to themselves first and to the world at large second.
Just like most Nazi are closeted homosexuals who cannot understand their natural urges and act against them for some bullshit reason
Absolutely. Poverty comes never alone, it usually brings other friends to the party. Like poor education, lack of security, stress, poor nurishment and poor social environment. All this together can easily bring out the worst of people, while the contrary can improve their conditions.
If you are focused on surviving you’ll never be able to grow as we are all supposed to
Because the movie does not hint at eugenetics as solution to the crisis, it’s a hymn against stupidity and a cry to better educate the masses. First of all about sexual education and the danger of unprotected sex and secondly about politics and civic duties. I mean, I really don’t see how one could interpret the message of the movie as “do eugenetics”, that’s all.
That’s not true at all, genetics only play a part in the mental development of a person, much of it is instead related to the environment where a person has been growing.
It is as with talent, some people are better than other at certain activities but even the most gifted person cannot compete with a professional who has spent his life training and studying his craft.
The same can be said for “intelligence”: if you are never taught to think you’ll never think once in your lifetime, even if you are the exact copy of Leonardo da Vinci; on the other hand, even if you are thick as a rock but you’ve been growing in a society focused on your development you’ll be able to become a normal person.
Eugenetic politics do nothing for humanity betterment, social structure is much more important IMHO
As far as I am aware the only openly racist party being allowed on social media is the alt-right (the institutionalised right on the other hand is still clever enough to keep its racism hidden behind a façade of economics bullshit).
Pray tell, which extremist left wing organisation have been supporting twitter, threads or any other social media platform?
And since you are there, can you please explain how can you post a message without using your brain?
That should be a good thing in your view tho, no? Aren’t you the one defending the presence of extremists into online platforms? Shouldn’t Facebook and Twitter allow and even put under the spotlight these kind of ideologies?
Fuck it man, go for a full racist party then; why limit yourself to institutionalised racism when you can have ignorant racism directly?
I am a “regular” flyer and a stoner and I never fail to bring with me a sample of devil’s lettuce when I’m leaving for extended period of time and never once I’ve had any issue bringing my hazardous material with me.
One time I even embarked with a small firework in my wallet I forgot I placed there after a party and none bat an eye.
Security level: top (not gun)