all the windows shit runs in citrix, i run linux at work from home for the host system.
well I setup a sneakernet script for my parents as they live in a deadzone and only got shitty celluar. I lived a few hours away so my script would grab the movies and shows for the past few months in its search and cp them to my disk. then i would run another script once i get to their place to upload it to windows and put it in the right folder. subsequent iterations the scripts were changed to shell script and python. their computer now runs Debian too. works great.
I hope they got a plan to move to a different country
cradles yaml in her hands and coos don’t you talk to my baby like that! she has potential !
when I realized my hardware no longer worked for me it worked for microsoft and dell and hp etc. I was done.
who avoids hoarding? we are saving it for the future.
nice now the all the cartels will start wheeling and dealing cpus and evs woo woo…
The internet routes around your blockade! long live the Pirates! Liber8! Pirate bay FTW!!
what the fuck is sparrow? also salt-stack does all this. nothing sucks you are just doing it wrong.
I hope the joy and knowledge and freedom our for-bearers had is what we will continue to reap in the future. there will be challenges, but we will prevail.
they do understand we all fucking vote right? we can all buy guns, we all are very smart.