This is awful.
This is awful.
Second ABB
It’s great for most of the stuff I read
Cable routing tubes on the walls, too
I’ve told the wife I can’t watch these shows because of how bad the tech always is, and I can’t stop myself from losing suspension of disbelief when something like this happens
In fairness, I still play 5e
I haven’t given WotC a dime since that fiasco, though.
The last thing I bought from them directly was the R20 integrated Out of the Abyss digital campaign for me to DM with some friends.
We got halfway and it was kinda mid. I tossed a big ass boss fight at them along with the mid-game boss and it felt final enough.
Once it releases in full, we’ll be a Cosmere RPG group for a good while.
Ask WoTC how they feel about sending thugs to people’s doors
“learned some things like Linux, command line, docker, and networking/pfsense” “I don’t consider myself technical”
Don’t sell yourself short, I work in IT and have colleagues on our helpdesk who would struggle endlessly with those concepts.
I hereby dub you a tech person, like it or not, those skills can and do pay the bills.
I explain fast boot to people by saying “for some reason Microsoft went and made the Shut Down button not actually shut down your PC, it really just puts it into a ‘deep sleep’ mode, and to their credit, it lets them say that boot times are faster… But it also means that in order to FULLY restart the PC, you have to click restart… I know it’s a pain”
Usually I get looked at like I’m from another planet, but that reaction means they’ll probably remember it later.
Nintendo is just on their own planet when it comes to… Basically everything, including game pricing.
Then buy a physical copy and store backups on a media server.
That or buy the media on a digital service and rip the file or screen capture it out.
Even buying a physical copy only entitles you to “ownership of a license” nowadays anyway. Ie: how Nintendo gets away with all their bs surrounding emulation.
Iirc Smite turned off their EAC Linux Restriction awhile ago, might be worth looking into.
Haven’t tested it at all though, so ymmv
Syncthing is fantastic. Loving it so far.
The orders of the Devs Radiant must stand again
The customer is only right if they threaten to cancel their service
Even then, if the cost of improving service is more than one customer’s cancellation, the customer can kick rocks
I’m just waiting for a good 2-in-1 Linux solution to come around. I don’t have the programming chops to try and make something myself.
I’d love to have something like Gboard (maybe de-googled) that completely deactivates when in laptop-mode.
I don’t even mind if it’s Xorg or Wayland at this point.
That’s super interesting!
Free hardware is the best hardware!
I’ve had trouble using any kind of VPN on ABB. It’s pretty frustrating.
Second time Sony has done this in almost as many months. Fuck Sony.
Actual Nazi Nick Fuentes is on video saying “that is a genuine, bonafide Roman Salute” (paraphrasing)
Saw that on The Humanist Report’s coverage of it today, who, jokingly, tried giving Musk as much “benefit of the doubt” or “leeway” as he could, while citing sources like Fuentes.
Musk is a card carrying Nazi, same as the rest.