Not really the way if one wants to cut ties with Microsoft completely though. And I suspect most would argue „then you can go the Windows route all the way and have less pain integrating client systems“.
Not really the way if one wants to cut ties with Microsoft completely though. And I suspect most would argue „then you can go the Windows route all the way and have less pain integrating client systems“.
Oh, Ansible is an interesting starting point. Would not thought of it for that purpose, I always „only“ link it mentally to automated deployment.
Will look into it out of curiosity.
How do you manage your fleet? How big is your network?
I‘d love to push for Linux at work, but have yet to see a solution with similar management capabilities than a Windows domain. And I don’t want to manage individual clients, as sysadmin I want to push templates like GPOs and the like.
Can see it work for smaller environments, but not in a company with a couple hundred machines.
Yeah, same with forcing ISPs to save connection data on all users long term. European court slapped on the hands a couple of times, still not done. Like some kind of undead policy
To add on this: removed because it was clear the vote would not have been in favor.
Was pretty clear that it would return sooner rather than later.
At the end of the day it is a matter of preference and convenience. Is it safer to separate them? Absolutely. Is it as convenient as keeping them in one place? Absolutely not.
So, pick your poison. Personally I have my MFA tokens in three separate locations, two self hosted server applications and in a mobile app (2FAS Auth). More for fallback/backup reasons. Having them in my password manager is just too convenient.
From what I understand it was withdrawn as a vote „in favor of the goals of the commission“ was not guaranteed. In part because Germany announced its decision to withdraw support yesterday. Seems to be standard behavior.
Well, there is in the EU, but that does not help anyone not here.
An unlocked boot loader is something that would have to be forced from Apple’s hands like sideloading was in the EU. No way in hell they would pursue that on their own.
Rapairability is a point that bugs me as well, hoping for right to repair laws in the EU to force all manufacturers to make the devices better in that regard.
Basically a pair of bouncers at the door to your Home Network whose specific purpose is to manage the flow of guests from outside (the internet) to your club (media server with library).
I think it’s an US thing. Have yet to encounter something like that in Europe.
In regards to stock systems, I agree.
Been stuck in the convenient ecosystem for a while, and I cope by telling myself Apple makes the bulk of its money with hardware and services. Not ads like Google. But if I would start over from zero, I think Graphene OS and Linux would be the way. But migrating the whole family away from our current Apple line up - I dread that challenge.
If you want to take a step in between: I am running Debian Testing on my notebook. Testing is the staging ground for the next major Debian Version, right now 13.
Still very much stable, but inherently more up to date packages. Not a real rolling release, but the closest you can get to a rolling Debian. Plenty of updates, but no problems in the past year I used it.
Yeah, read online before watching it and how it bombed on its initial weekends. Honestly? I don’t get the hate. It was an enjoyable movie with interesting topic at heart. But those topics were not in the marketing, only the romance bit. Shame, but glad word of mouth kinda saved the box office run.
That win is important, but Sony already sued Quad9 in Italy just this week. It’s one battle won, but not the war.
In Italy they demand the same, blocking certain sites used for torrenting.
Pretty happy with Debian Testing. Frequent updates but still very stable and rock solid.
This is the closest to a rolling Debian release, and I really like it. It’s basically the next major release for Debian, Updates are plenty and the packages much newer than in the stable, though not bleeding edge.
Best of both worlds IMHO
No, so far no bugs worth mentioning. All works well, apart from more incoming updates than usually on a Debian System.
The problems I ran into were mostly with GNOME and Hotkeys for Apps in Wayland. Like Shift + F12 to open a Terminal does not work reliably when set in the Terminal app, but works well when set in the Gnome Settings as a global Shortcut. But I would file that under annoyance rather then a serious bug.
To add to this: Debian is pretty conservative in regards to package versions. The current and LTS versions usually have slightly older packages.
If you don’t mind tackling more updates, I suggest Debian Testing. That is the stable development branch for the next major release, currently rocking it with Wayland GNOME on my DELL notebook and very happy with the results.
They have the management aspect of large environments down to a tee. Apart from costs it does not really matter if your domain consists of ten, thousand or more systems. The tools to manage those systems centralized by core systems is the same set for all sizes so to speak.
That can be on one campus, across multiple cities and locations. It’s quite frankly IMO the foundation on which the success of Windows in the corporate world is built. Standardized deployment of settings across all company systems saves administrators time which can be used for other tasks instead of micromanaging clients.
I have yet to see a similar solution for Linux clients that works the same way.