Respectfully, I have to know: was your grandma an actual dinosaur…? Because now I’m jealous.
Respectfully, I have to know: was your grandma an actual dinosaur…? Because now I’m jealous.
Bic Atlantis would like a smoooth word!
Well, yeah. It’s the same boomer move: pull the ladder up behind you. Musk and Tesla already benefitted from the programs he now wants to cut, to raise the barrier of entry for potential competitors…
Okay, but lots of people do. Why not both? I’m sure you realize that progress is incremental, we’re not going to jump from here straight to a utopia.
Also, many people don’t have a choice. My job has to be done in-person most of the time, it can’t be done by robots or AI (yet), and I have to bring a large amount of equipment with me. But I would love my work vehicle to be a government-subsidized zero-emissions one!
Not even remotely the correct village!
Yeah sure, this time the giant company won’t enshittify.
Class action suit when??
You don’t count, you would simply feel like a loaf.
Defensive… If someone asks you for advice, and says they have doubts about the answer they received from a Magic 8-Ball, how would you feel?
Okay, but when this is discussed “making opt out the default” means you are signed up and have to opt out if you don’t want to be signed up.
Don’t forget about housing! Can’t even have shelter from the elements without paying through the nose to some rent-raising billionaire or giant corporation…
Open-source technology absolutely is making the world better.
That wasn’t Jack Daniel’s! That was just their owners, their customers, Tennessee’s politicians, their voters, other red states…
Why do Republicans feel compelled to be on the unethical or wrong side of literally everything!?
Unrestrained Capitalism. Without those pesky regulations, companies can charge us all unlimited amounts and not have to consider our rights or health/safety.
My bad, I’ll laugh now!
Woah, too hot, I was at work! You should put nsfw in the comment, please…
Are you… accusing me of being a bot?
But seriously, as cool as a Grandma T-Rex would have been, my grandparents were awesome in their own rights. They also saved so many things…