• 8 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • small tasks that you don’t expect to grow in complexity

    On one conference I heard saying: “There is no such thing as temporary solution and there is no such thing as proof of concept”. It’s an overexaguration of course but it has some truth to it - there’s a high chance that your “small change” or PoC will be used for the next 20 years so write it as robust and resilient as possible and document it. In other words everything will be extended, everything will be maintained, everything will change hands.

    So to your point - is bash production ready? Well, depends. Do you have it in git? Is it part of some automation pipeline? Is it properly documented? Do you by chance have some tests for it? Then yes, it’s production ready.

    If you just “write this quick script and run it in cron” then no. Because in 10 years people will pull their hair screaming “what the hell is hapenning?!”

    Edit: or worse, they’ll scream it during the next incident that’ll happen at 2 AM on Sunday

  • True Unpopular opinion, I respect that.

    But … eh yes, I just disagree. I know it’s like 2 days after your post but I just need to spill this out.

    So I’m not a software architect but I’m interrested in software architecture. And the thing is, very rarely I’ve seen the blockchain being used during a system design. And the reason I’d say is, it doesn’t have that many benefits. Actually I can think of just one - the data ownership. The fact that no one owns the data (i.e. they have no single dedicated storage) is actually nice. But the thing is … this isn’t really needed in vast majority of scenarios. And on the other hand, it introduces several very crucial disadvantages. Like

    1. The amount of data to synchronize across the nodes is just crazy. I mean it’s sort of bearable for simple data like money transactions but even that can get out of hand. And doesn’t Ether has like terabytes of data to synchronize? I mean holly fuck. And isn’t a lot of that just bullshit data? And bear in mind that there is just relatively small group of people using it, not the entire world. I know there is some way that your wallet contains just subset of those data but to me it kind of defeats the purpose of the chain where only few selected nodes (who can afford it) can synchronize the entire chain.
    2. The energy consuption is again, just crazy. What is esentially a simple operation consumes ridiculous amount of power. And I admit I only know the Bitcoin way but in that case the power goes to … nothing? The power goes to making Bitcoin exist. Nothing of value was produced. And we need to remind ourselves that this is a very a simple operation and we’re spending ridiculous amount of resources on it. And for what exactly? So no one owns the data?
    3. The protection from frauds - So someone sends money from A to B. In most of the systems, having an authority, a ‘C’, a 3rd party is actually a desired thing. Someone who can take a look and say “Hmmm this doesn’t sound right, better contact A and B wheter they’re ok with it”. Without it, the system is much more prone to frauds which is exactly what’s happening in cryptocurrency world
    4. Immutability - some data are immutable, like transaction data. But majority of data are not. Data change. Blockchain by its design is immutable. The result is that you can use blockchain for anything, it just won’t be very efficient. And will produce a lot of bullshit data.
    5. And probably the most crucial of all - the data publicity. All the data are public. This is something you just do NOT want in vast majority of the systems. And I see that this is what you mean by corruption fighting. But who will agree to this? Sure you might see that this politician took 500k from that business man. But you’ll also see that I ordered something from a sex shop for 350€. Or that I spent 95k on a new car. Really, who’d be ok with that? Also do you think that corupt politicians would be that stupid to use blockchain in that case?

    So I take all those arguments and when I hear “Medical records could be on blockchain!” and I’m like who the fuck would want this?! I absolutely do not want that anyone could access my medical records as long as they know my medical record ID. I can imagine that those records could be encrypted by f.e. AES. But at that point I could store those data anywhere. I could store it on server of evil-corporation-101 and even they couldn’t decrypt it.

    So that leads me to the conclusion who really needs a blockchain? And what’s the benefit of it against f.e. a huge MongoDB cluster? I mean really, if you’re about data integrity and security, just fork some NOSQL database and add what you need. Or am I completely out of touch here? I’m open to learn and I’m definitely open to better understand the benefits of blockchain because that’s a puzzle for me for years

  • I mean Notepad++ is like a monument to Microsoft incompetence and them not caring about technically minded people for decades. Where a single guy beats trillion dollar company’s ass, actually not just beats, absolutely destroys big time. And they were either not able or didn’t care with responding and providing some power text editor. The fact that their OS was able to acquire any significant market share in developer’s community is an ultimate triumph of marketing department

  • I’d see 2 reasons:

    1. A lot of people put a lot of money into it and they won’t give them up. They’ll keep buying and selling, keeping it sort of artificially afloat even if it has no real world usage. Well there is actually one which leads me to the next point
    2. The illegal market (and gambling) has a use case for cryptocurrencies so they actually use them

    But to put it simply - they don’t die because they don’t have to. There is no single company that would pull the plug. By it’s design, they can coexist in our world and no one can stop it, doesn’t matter if people use it or not

    It’s like a torrent with millions of seeders. As long as there is at least one seeder, the torrent will exist even if the files it contains aren’t really useful

  • EfreetSK@lemmy.worldtoTechnology@lemmy.worldWhat’s next for Mozilla?
    1 year ago

    I was very sceptical towards the recent hypes (space exploration, cryptocurencies, self driving cars, …) which turned out to be fads but this time … this time I’m going to guess it isn’t going to be a fad. Well it depends what we imagine by “AI” - will you have a robot pal like in movie I Robot or AI Artificial Intelligence? Probably not. Will AI predictions and learning be put into majority of programms and quite clever AI voice-assistants will appear like in movie Her? Yeah, I guess this could happen. My main reasons are:

    1. It actually isn’t that difficult, machine learning isn’t new and very theoretically speaking, as long as you have enough computation power, nothing is stopping you. Like at the moment I can’t think of any limit
    2. Laws to stop it would be very difficult. You cannot just say “No AI!”, I mean people can run it at home, how do you want to stop it? Which leads me to other point
    3. The OpenSource community had also made progress in the area
    4. Major players are heavily investing into it

  • Of course they will! This is the sad, sad reality of todays internet - the power is so centralized in the hands of like 4 companies, that every business basically can’t ignore them. Like you can but by that you’re just hurting yourself from the business point of view. Elon Musk can literally say Fuck You to advertisers and they still need to advertise there. This is just crazy. On nation level the anti-monopoly bureau would take action but we don’t have world wide anti-monopoly bureau.

    That’s why when people tell me “Oh, Elon Musk just bankrupted Twitter” I say “Did he?”. At this point I believe he can do anything he wants, he can murder like dozen people, blow up the headquartes or start selling drugs to children and Twitter would still be fine