The credits aren’t. You might find a model that say a particular time are a close comparison but the really is most of the the time you are sacrificing drivetrain power or features even after the EV credit + slightly lower fuel costs. And when you do have vehicles in this category it’s economy vehicles.
Oh right the corporations selling to people. Right, not my problem.
I have 90% of my heating and cooling on solar and sell back to my neighbors. I ate probably 40% of my food last week from garden using my own compost. I don’t have enough plastic waste or waste in general too sort through for any real recycling besides a small bin of you could call it that.
What do you do?
Of fucking course this place is overflowing with bronies.
You still realize that electricity isn’t free and in many places is close to the cost of gas, especially at super chargers?
Lolololol 👌
I’ll definitely spend more to get less car and break even after 10 years of owning an EV.
Not my fault 🤦♂️
An entire generation that’s fully educated on the matter and still punting it down the road. Classic.
27.5k And you’ll get less car for it. It’s small, and bumping it up to 2lt puts it over 30k. Every EV it’s still more expensive, even with credits most of the time, then it’s equivalent ICE competition.
If you work somewhere that actually makes money it’s very much like the first.
Yeah I’m sure this is the first time this MIT computer science grad had noooooo idea what she was doing.
I used the keg+arcade in an old office frequently enough at a chill small company. It goes both ways IMO.
I mean nothing against them in general, but if they are in an office you need to ask is it really just a small perk or is it next to 50 bean bags for in office living.
That’s 95% correct. Ping Pong table is dumb but it’s very often not about the money.
Because the rest of the world exists. Can you name a single technology that massively boosted productivity but was regulated at a global scale successfully? Do you think a country with low goods export is going to hamper it’s competitive advantage because some highly paid (yes American writers are highly paid compared globally) Hollywood writer says this is bad?
They have a term for this. Luddite.
LMAO imagine thinking you can fight this.
If a robot is going to take your job, stop bitching to courts and either learn to use the tech to improve or find a new job.
This shit is happening, you can’t put it back in the bottle, and you’ll just be replaced by someone living with less restrictive laws.
Countries that join in this absurd protectionism will fall behind economically.
“Asian MIT grad who knows exactly what she is doing, pretends to be shocked after intentionally triggering industry known bias that are already acknowledged and being worked on”
This is just a student manufacturing controversy ensuring she has a great talking piece at her interviews.
Accent, clothing and style.