Whatever, I don’t exist.

  • 0 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • It’s not virtue signalling if you truly mean it.

    Our feeds should be our own.

    I quit Crackbook a decade ago over the algorithm forcing shit at me I had no interest in.

    That’s when I learned what a dark pattern was. I started seeing it pop up nearly everywhere that used algorithms.

    Did the same with Twatter a few years ago. Again, I was over being forced to see shit I had zero interest in. This time I removed my footprint, leaving a handful of posts.

    No one noticed either time I’d left. (No one ever does. That’s a whole other rant about the state of anti social media.)

    Never used Threads. Won’t even click on the ones that are shoved at me through Insta.

    Kept Insta for patterns and recipes, and over time I’ve stopped engaging on the platform. It’s just as bad as the others for the algorithm and ads. Staying is on me, I know. Sunk cost fallacy or whatever. I didn’t want to lose my collection of patterns that exist no where else.

    I started the process of removing what little remains of my presence on IG. Discovered I’m not allowed to remove likes ‘to protect the community’. Deleting my own content bugs out often. Removing saved bookmarks bugs out often. No way to keep the videos I refer to often to make things.

    Damned straight I mean it when I say I will cease using Meta products. I am tired of being told how to use something, or how I should think and what I should believe.

    Zuck can fuck all the way off.

  • I have so far managed to avoid threads, but Insta is filled with ‘Comment forcedengagement to get the pattern/recipie/cureforthecommon cold’ or stolen videos with facts about some shitty car.

    I block them, but that appears to count as interest, so I end up with more of that shit shoved at me.

    I’m only there because the crafters I want to see are there, and none of them want to join anything federated. :(

  • Our previous ISP kept after us for a few years to return their modem/router. Only problem was we were a BYO account - we never had a need for their device, nor was it ever on our account or any invoices. A few years later, and every few months afterward (typically after I’ve had to contact them to solve the hell that was constant dropouts - reconnecting 2-4 times a minute) the missing BUDii would pop up again and they’d demand we return or pay for it.

    Each time I got snarkier and snarkier, treading the line of being polite and sounding like I wanted to chew their face off. Then I got Betty (fake name) who asked for a moment while she read the correspondence on our account. She commiserated with the troubles we’d been having, clarified notes on our account and then solved what a dozen others couldn’t figure out, and we never heard about the BUDii ever again.

  • To be a woman online means to feel unwelcome. Leaving a new community is pretty much inevitable unless you are willing to swim in toxicity.

    I’ve lost count of how many ‘welcoming’ communities for game/hobby/interest that I have left because of the inevitable creep of (male) toxicity and harassment.

    And it sucks to watch so many people not speak up, and to be targeted for further harassment simply because I said rape jokes weren’t funny. (Or tying and drugging up a woman so T could have a girlfriend, if the group I play online games with are stalking my account read this. You guys are part of the problem.)

    I just want liked minded people to share my interests and play games with.

    I, and other women shouldn’t have to navigate or ignore toxicity to simply exist in public spaces.

    [Downvotes prove my statement. I’m not welcome or wanted, I get it. See you after my funeral.]