Its amazing how critical republicans are of Republicans… after they retire and remove themselves from the power structure
Fucking self serving pieces of shit.
Its amazing how critical republicans are of Republicans… after they retire and remove themselves from the power structure
Fucking self serving pieces of shit.
I’ve not got an nvidia card in this computer, but the easiest and fastest distro setup I’ve ever had was with Nobara.
Which is a game focused linux distro created by Glorious Eggroll, the guy that does the custom proton versions.
No, thats a crown.
A cron is a type of super virus that wants to destroy the entire net. An end to all things… Total crash. Only another virus superpowered by core energy can put a stop to it.
You sound an awful lot like an abused spouse
“Oh sure, All those other times were bad, but she swore she wont hit me this time… and she means it this time, honest!”
Anyone that actually puts their trust in this deserves whatever happens to them
So its Hamachi?
I mean, the steamdeck is running on an APU, so its not going to run 2023 games like butter at high settings.
But on a home PC, with better (and dedicated) hardware, the game runs pretty good.
I’ve got Starfield on ultra settings and, so far… outside of New Atlantis, my FPS has stayed maxed at vsync, and even in New Atlantis, its still very playable.
The irony of calling someone whiny while whining.
I’ve always heard cleanroom, since you keep your coders completely isolated from the investigation team so there can be no question of code pollinating across, Just documentation to be reimplemented in a unique and different way.
couldnt they do the thing where one team analyzes the leaked code and documents functions.
and a nother, clean room team, creates independent fresh code to achieve the same results as the original?
I mean, clean room activity like that has a strong precedent, going back to EA vs Sega at least. where EA stole a sega genesis dev kit, had one team document the functions, had another team independently create code to execute those functions,and made their own dev kid and put out non-approved sega carts (which is why the EA sega carts were taller and had the yellow plastic tag)
Sega sued and EA won due the clean room engineering and sega and EA came to some kind of sweetheart deal/comrpromise/settlement.
its a dumb copypaste bullshit
Lutris can let you log into your GOG account and install games no issue.
I dont know how it handles updates, but thats only an issue if you’re playing a new game, if you’re just playing old games like Arcanum, its no issue.
I’d rather just not give the jackasses the attention, than go out of my way to use an app to hide their jackassery
I can not tell you how many videos and channels I avoid because of that shit.
also ones that have dumb ass thumbnails that do nothing to hint about the content.
Sure thing, pal.
Says the one person circle jerk show.
Stop, you are hurting DarkThoughts with your logic and common sense. Cant you see how delicate he is?
Yep, this has been my experience too.
People shit on windows, but it was easy to navigate, and generally made an effort to keep you from breaking it and you pretty much never had to enter a command line for anything as an average user.
Linux troubleshooting, especially for new people, is going to become a much bigger problem as time goes on because any searched solution basically boils down to copy and pasting stuff into terminal and hoping its 1)still relevant and 2) doesnt break everything worse. Which is probably why so many immutable distros have popped up, to give that windows level of protection.
As for hostility? Its still there, in pockets. Not so much on lemmy from what i’ve seen, but it still exists elsewhere… but it is significantly better overall than it was 10+ years ago, where questions about problems were seemingly treated as insults against the prophet and were responded to with great aggression, and often racist undertones.
Yeah. Who thought posting something relevant from a website dedicated to gaming on linux would have any place in a god damn Linux gaming community!
Hmm…I wonder if I can install the original Blade Runner on Wine, since the installer doesnt work on windows anymore due to being…16bit i think.