But like, 3.5 to usbc is a 10 buck conversion. Tbh i see merit in double usb c over usbc and headphone jack, might be more doable too, the DAC prolly takes more space than an additional usbc
But like, 3.5 to usbc is a 10 buck conversion. Tbh i see merit in double usb c over usbc and headphone jack, might be more doable too, the DAC prolly takes more space than an additional usbc
Trackers can do so much more than just take time for running. Cadance, ground contact time, recovery, suggestions. My garmin watch has upped my training game considerably. Its a bit like having an online personal trainer.
Fucking love my instinct solar 2
Its worth mentioning that certain mainstream interpretations are also concretely deterministic. For example many worlds is actually a deterministic interpretation, the multiverse is deterministic, your particular branch simply appears probabilistic. Much more deterministic is Bohmian mechanics. Copenhagen interpretation, however, maintains randomness.
Its not that odd if you think about it. Everything else in this universe is deterministic. Well, quantum mechanics, as we observe it, is probabilistic, but still governed by rules and calculable, thus predictable (I also believe it is, in some sense, deterministic). For there to be free will, we need some form of “special sauce”, yet to be uncovered, that would grant us the freedom and agency to act outside of these laws.
Seth Anil has interesting lectures on consciousness, specifically on the predictive processing theory. Under this view the brain essentially simulates reality as a sort of prediction, this simulated model is what we, subjectively, then perceive as consciousness.
“Every good regulator of a system must be a model of that system“. In other words consciousness might exist because to regulate our bodies and execute different actions we must have an internal model of ourselves as well as ourselves in the world.
As for determinism - the idea of libertarian free will is not really seriously entertained by philosophy these days. The main question is if there is any inkling of free will to cling to (compatibilism), but, generally, it is more likely than not that our consciousness is deterministic.
Physics and more to the point, QM, appears probabilistic but wether or not it is deterministic is still up for debate. Until such a time that we develop a full understanding of QM we can not say for sure. Personally I am inclined to think we will find deterministic explanations in QM, it feels like nonsense to say that things could have happened differently. Things happen the way they happen and if you would rewind time before an event, it should resolve the same way.
Our childrens hospital (besides the ICU that uses a phillips solution on windows, which integrates with the monitoring and anesthesia equipment) runs linux, however they do this in a virtual environment on windows, the reasoning I am not sure about, potentially to sandbox the electronic system they are using.
Its almost exclusively to do with the software they need, it often wont run on linux or will have limited support.
This is a semi-good LPT. You can save a lot of time and grievance by just not folding your clothes and throwing them into piles (inside boxes or drawers, preferably) by type (socks, underwear, shirts, etc). Bonus tip - if you have a spot where dirty clothes keep piling up (used to be bedroom for me), just put a laundry basket there (in the exact spot you discard your dirty clothes).
If you hate doing laundry, get a dryer and do this, it will make it so much easier. It becomes transport your basket from your aggregation area, dump it in the washer, throw in a random amount of whatever washing thing around, set an alarm on phone, throw it in the dryer, second alarm, take it to your usage pile(s). Turns laundry from tedious into barely a chore.
You could either have socks already in pairs at drying time (we hangdry so we do this, just hang them together and when taking off, fold one into the other, they will not separate accidentally). Alternatively you could have all the same socks and not care.
Alternatively, you can just not care if yours socks match. I only care for my business socks because a) they all have silly designs and b) My line of work calls for a slight bit of professionalism in appearance, so I try to style my hair, clean up my facial hair and at least have matching socks, goofy as they might be. Thank god I don’t have to wear a suit.
Helium-3 is not used in general applications, its uses are far more niche, it is much more rare than helium 4. For most applications, when we talk about helium being used we mean plain old helium-4. MRI machines and balloons both use helium-4.
Wdym? The only difference is the helium gas used in more serious applications is more pure. Its helium all the same.
Ads don’t even bother me inherently. It’s part the maximum obnoxiousness of them these days, of course. But most of all, if I do manage to see an ad (like in a mobile app), I get irrationally annoyed at the fact that it is supposed to be tailored to me and yet here I am looking at a 20 second unskippable ad for something I would never in a million years care for.
Many people dont actually delete, but edit the content. Also, even if the data stays and gets used for training, so be it, not more you can do about it, at least I tried. But mass purging your account history still makes the site worse for searched topics and is the last bastion of resistance after shuffling off that cesspool.
I know people said reddit restored their mass overwtitten comments, but iirc this was a brief scare due to some problem with the tool used or servers or something. I think reddit even officially commented that they are not doing this.
I had not nuked my account history, because while reddit went to shit for me, I still used it as an info source via search. And so I wanted to leave my posts/comments in case they add value to someone else, who still uses the platform. But with this, if I am not lazy, I just might. I don’t even care about the AI training bit, rather that it is Google AI.
So does archinstall.
Nvidia by default does not preserve video memory when you suspend.
Relatively easy to fix if you follow arch wiki.
Another vote for Garmin instinct (2 solar in my case). Not E-ink but oldschool style black/white LCD. Full charge with nightly pulsox is just above 2 weeks, would be 3 if i turned off nightly pulsox. With solar, if you are active outside and have a sunny climate, you probably do not need to charge basically at all.
There is also the instinct crossover for the hybrid look. But first series instincts are supposedly hit or miss on the software. And trust me, the whole analogue watch thing is nice for looks, but really you will not look at it if you have a digital clock on the watch face.
I hear you, but a usb-c has more uses than one, the only real problem with a dongle is now is that occasionally you need to charge.