yeah thats why I said it only has the chance, not that it leads to good code
yeah thats why I said it only has the chance, not that it leads to good code
The only thing that has the chance to prevent unmaintainable garbage code is a plethora of linting rules.
All of scandinavia. There are public registers where you can look up the salary of everyone for norway, sweden and finland. When these registers were introduced, the salaries were normalized across the whole population
I don’t want to set a misunderstanding: this does not solve the state on reboot issue, maybe “flawlessly” is not the correct word. On a reboot, all automations are always stopped, so that does not help here.
It’s also important to set the mode of the automation to “restart”, then it works flawlessly
From one Datacenter? Yes. If you put all datacenters into the sea? Definitely not. And if the Bitcoin scumbags decide that this is a good idea and built huge mining farms underwarer it’s even worse. Datacenters are one of the biggest contributors to energy need already, taking up 1-1.3% of global energy demand. That’s no joke
Why would they keep it on? Sure, they will continue to collect data for their AI, but I’m pretty sure they are happy that they don’t want to keep it on if it might drive you to use other search engines. And turn it back on after a few versions of optimization
Was the same for me this vacation. Gladly we were on a smaller mountain which was completely surrounded by villages, so we knew that just going down the mountain would lead to a bus that could bring us to the hotel, so we didnt care that much.
JSON would be perfect if it allowed for comments. But it doesn’t and that alone is enough for me to prefer YAML over JSON. Yes, JSON is understandable without any learning curve, but having a learning curve is not always bad. YAML provides a major benefit that is worth the learning curve and doesn’t have the issues that XML has (which is that there is no way to understand an XML without also having the XSD for it)
No sarcasm, I never got an E-Mail before from a Headhunter, only LinkedIn Messages. Not gonna lie, I hated it.
That’s why today I got an email from a headhunter that used Data from my LinkedIn profile. Fuck this.
For your Google Account the Multi Factor Authentication is using your Android phone as second factor. You get a notification and have to click to accept the login, there is neither text notification nor authenticator. You also get an email when a new session is started on your GMail account. But don’t worry about the Android notification: this screen is especially secured and as long as your phone isn’t rooted there is no way for another App to spy on this notification
Do you have multi factor authentication enabled in your Google account? That would be the best way to keep intruders out. There really can’t be a session started without your consent when you have MFA enabled
I couldnt even finish this season, it was just so boring
Why do companies feel compelled to punish people who use their free product?
Companies don’t exist out of generosity. When Spotify looses money from non-premium users, they obviously want to encourage you to buy premium. They probably had to make the decision to play more ads or do this and decided that this makes more sense
Nope. It’s a nightmare. The ad company now knows that you are friends or family
My work laptop has Windows installed, but I use VSCode and WSL or EC2 Linux instances solely for my work. VSCodium would not work with that workflow because it lacks the Remote and WSL functionality
Exactly, price is higher of course but specs are midrange. But buying a phone for 700€ and then using it for 5 years is a lot better than buying one for 400€ for 2 years
I just googled “BASF T-Shirt” and immediately found the one he is wearing in this video (and he wear it in a couple of other videos recently)