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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 15th, 2023


  • Yes, it’s called mutually beneficial. They saved hundreds of dollars every month since I was charging them way under market for rent. They were actually able to save up a substantial amount. I mean they were planning on having to pay at least 1200 a month for a shitty place, instead they got an actual fucking house for 900.

    When his mom was dying of cancer, he had room for her to stay with them after chemo sessions. Since the house was in a great location near the hospital

  • DrFistington@lemmy.worldtoA Boring Dystopia@lemmy.worldFucking leeches
    4 days ago

    I used to have my own place before my wife and I got married, and she had her own house too. When I moved in with her I decided to rent out my place to a friend, otherwise I’d have to still pay like $650 a month for my mortgage. I set my friends rent at $900 a month for him and a friend, with cats. I paid my mortgage and had some extra to save up in case a repair was needed. Average rent for an apartment (not a house) was 1200-1500 in the same area. My renters ended up taking better care of the house than I ever did. It was beautiful when they lived there. I ended up making about 5k to 10k extra bucks over the course of a few years and my mortgage was paid for me. Eventually they had to move out due to some issues between the two at which point I sold the house and made over six figures(net profit, not gross), off a house that cost less than $80,000 when I bought it.

    See what I did there? I charged a reasonable rent and still made a totally stupid amount of money off of just one property. I wasn’t a goddamn parasite who tried to bleed my tenants for everything they were worth.

    People like these total shitbags. They’re the reason why America’s youth have no future

  • What most people forget is that as a programmer/designer/etc, your job is to take what your client/customer tells you they want, listen to them, then try to give them what they ACTUALLY NEED, which is something that I think needs to be highlighted. Most people making requests to programmers, don’t really even know what they want, or why they want it. They had some meeting and people decided that, ‘Yes we need the program to do X!’ without realizing that what they are asking for won’t actually get them the result they want.

    AI will be great at giving people exactly what they ask for…but that doesn’t mean its what they actually needed…

  • Yeah, I still struggle to see the appeal of Chatbot LLMs. So it’s like a search engine, but you can’t see it’s sources, and sometimes it ‘hallucinates’ and gives straight up incorrect information. My favorite was a few months ago I was searching Google for why my cat was chewing on plastic. Like halfway through the AI response at the top of the results it started going on a tangent about how your cat may be bored and enjoys to watch you shop, lol

    So basically it makes it easier to get a quick result if you’re not able to quickly and correctly parse through Google results… But the answer you get may be anywhere from zero to a hundred percent correct. And you don’t really get double check the sources without further questioning the chat bot. Oh and LLM AI models have been shown to intentionally lie and mislead when confronted with inaccuracies they’ve given.

  • If they had taken the money directly from the patients pockets, they would be in jail for between 7-20 years depending on the total amount they overcharged. Cancer drugs are crazy expensive in general so it could easily be a class 1 felony.

    Oh but just have ‘an algorithm’ do the overcharging and suddenly it’s just a wittle oopsie. Yeah we fucking stole money from vulnerable people grappling with, and trying to fight cancer. And yeah, those fraudulently inflated bills probably caused many people to suffer massive depression and/or forgo live saving treatment. But you have to understand, Brian for an extra free million for himself, and shareholders saw a 1% increase in short term valuation.

    The supreme Court is the next big item after Trump faces the inevitable. Many of them fucking consider corporations legally the same as a person except for when it comes to any type of punishment or negative consequence.

    These traitors are the antithesis of the American people and it’s time for them to water the tree of freedom as penance.

  • I think people need to stop using the term ‘AI’ for everything a computer does to simulate thought or creativity. AI algorithms are basically large scale piracy machines capable of scanning the entirety of human art so that it can create a reasonable imitation based off the source material its consumed. Its strength is in its ability to internally pursue, and fail, billions of potential outcomes and come to one that meets the criteria its been givien within seconds or minutes. Instead of a million monkeys at a million typewriters, its like a quadrillion monkeys, and they’re all on adderall.

    The truth is that it never understood the source material. It doesn’t feel anything from it, it doesn’t comprehend it. Everything that it does is derived from the material used for training and the instructions its received. If thats the case then we’re talking about Virtual Intelligence, not true AI or AGI, and I think thats an important distinction. I’m also surprised that more lawyers and copyright holders don’t feel that way.

  • Yeah, I’ve worked for a Catholic hospital it would literally tell staff nurses that have been there for 20 years they didn’t have the money for bonuses or raises other than market and then I would go into the staff break room for the emergency department and they were able to give doctors $500 bonuses just for signing up for a shift on top of what they would already make. The ED was staffed by an outside company. They got paid by the hospital if they have that money just to get people to pick up a shift then I think the hospital has enough money to pay nurses but they deserve.