Doc D’s prescription: Two memes, one shitpost and don’t call me in the morning.

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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: October 13th, 2024


  • Part of using GNOME (at least to me) is expanding on the interface and building a personal experience through extensions.

    Cover-flow when and-tabbing? Extension. Dynamic opacity of top bar? Extension. Wiggly-wobbly effects when dragging or minimising/maximising windows? Extension. Installing custom themes? Guess what, that’s an extension too!

    I think you understand where this is going.

    In terms of polish (looking sharp), GNOME is the best on linux, still it can look much better in terms of eye candy if you add extensions. I think I have like 50+ extensions myself.

  • Dystopia is having to learn a whole new system and manually punch in commands in VIM instead of just entering “0400” and clicking “Every day” in a GUI simply to run a scheduled backup because some cyberpunks think it’s cool to stare at the black and green terminal emulator into the early morning and think that everybody else enjoys doing the same so we really don’t need a GUI.