Recovering academic now in public safety. You’ll find me kibitzing on brains (my academic expertise) to critical infrastructure and resilience (current worklife). Also hockey, games, music just because.
Dildos have been around a lot longer than that.
My understanding is that “hysteria” legitimized the use of the vibrator (not unlike how “weight loss” was used in the 1980s to prescribe fentanyl), but they were around before that, and probably would have found another way of entering the mainstream.
And the answer is"What is the Poisson Distribution" Alex.
There is literally a distribution that describes the occurences of low probability events in large populations. It was developed to study deaths by horse kick in the Prussian army. So confidence intervals never come into it. You’re applying Stats for Communications Majors reasoning to an adult problem.
Holy shit that’s low. I was asking for £35k in 2004 for a technical role. They wanted to pay 17.
I was a civil servant. The hiring bands were pretty wide well defined there, at least for technical specialists like yours truly. The 50-60% of max range is considered developmental and would normally be given to an internal candidate who was being groomed as part of a succession plan. 60-80% is the sweet spot, and they will go to 90% for an exceptional candidate. Only once in my career did I negotiate 100% of max - and it was because I was taking a pay cut in the new role. I was changing jurisdictions because I was ( and still am) in love.
100% this. This is pretty classy. We are typically told to not even contact external candidates. HR will send them the impersonal notice.
I feel like the numbers matter here. I recently moved jobs and the posted salary was the full range for the role. The hiring range is a narrower slice of that range. The range below the hiring target is internal development space. The space above is …well they don’t want to use it. They want a couple years of salary increase to keep you from immediately starting your next job search I think. lol.
Are you telling me that 35,000 vehicles is not a sufficient sample size to assess safety? Are you for real?
You can draw conclusions because there’s only 35,000 on the road. That is a terrible rate.
I understand this 100%. My father imagined himself to be a character and the life of the party. He would dress like a biker no matter the affair. He had been a systems analyst on big iron.
Yeah but base building doesn’t seem as sexy. LSD is the basis of every coffee plan - Long Slow Donuts.
I think it’s hilariously stupid. It might have made more sense if it followed a training progression. Like move from coffee sprint to coffee racer, menu long run and then the marathon maybe? Sprint to marathon is some Goggins level shit.
I’m old and I don’t think that’s true. Frozen entrees have ways been on the light side. And frozen dinners for one would be 3 oz of meat, and a couple of spoonfuls of boiled peas or something.
Absolutely not. I loathe gestures my touchpad and disable everything I can.
The core issue is that the stock market doesn’t really exist on fundamentals. If it did DJT wouldn’t be trading at $34 on $4MM in revenue. Regulatory regimes are about to change and who knows what else. So it’s not that that kind of analysis is wrong, but it’s not super helpful either. Because the market can blunder on like this for decades, and regulations can turn on a dime.
I only watched the first 5 minutes and it didn’t seem to be going anywhere. So what’s the take home message, diversify your holdings?
Probably. But the market can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent so don’t hold your breath waiting for a crash.
Because it puts stuff there when I don’t want it. I work in locations without internet access (quelle horreur!) and I want access to my files. Also there is a cloud desktop and a local desktop. Cloud downloads file and a local downloads file. I don’t want any cloud and I don’t want to pay starlink to get to files I could carry with me.
I am a professor. I’m fine with choosing to consume shorter media - I read very few novels any more either. I think the point that the students appear unable to read long form. It actually matches up with my own experience where incoming students have never had to write long form either.
I don’t think it’s the consumer market. It’s more expensive to manufacture with physical controls, keyboards, and moving parts. It wasn’t lack of consumer demand that killed the phono jack.