Privacy guides?org has a fairly active forum
Privacy guides?org has a fairly active forum
In the US it can even vary by state. Dying without a will or transfer on death assets can be a nightmare for the deceased family. My father died without a will and my mother and I spent a year jumping through hoops and dealing with lawyers trying to get everything straightened out.
I encourage everyone to take a look at their local laws related to the subject. You may be surprised at how things would work out without some planning on your part.
I should clarify. I have zero spam at my new email Addy and 20-30 at my old hotmail account.
I dramatically reduced my spam by switching to proton email and requesting removal at the big data brokers. Inteltechniques.com has a list of data brokers and how to request removal of each. There are a ton of brokers but I just did the big 6-8 brokers that they recommend starting with. I went from hundreds of spam a day down to 20-30. YMMV.
Yep I’ve been working through the old shows and remember him talking about that. This was weird that all the episodes were removed…even recent ones. I just found his podcast so I’m hoping its just a temporary hiccup.
The podcast is currently down. A new show was published the other day and then quickly deleted as well as all the old shows. It’s not clear whats going on with it…legal or technical issue.
I feel your pain. I’ve been trying to clean my digital life up and it is almost overwhelming. I’ve only been working on it for a month or so in my spare time but it’s a collosal PIA. I wish every site that had a create account button had an equally obvious and easy to click delete account button.
That’s common knowledge now but some of us have been around since the beginning of the modern internet when corporate data collection wasn’t even a thing. The privacy invasion was a slow creep that some of didn’t notice until it was too late. The 198 accounts in my password manager are only the last ten years or so of accounts. I’ve been online since the early 90s and can’t begin to remember what services/sites I was using back then that might have survived or been breached.
Long story short. I googled my name and city and was sufficiently creeped out. Ive been online a long time and just didn’t notice how much privacy had eroded around me. It’s like that parable about how to cook a frog. They just slowly increased the temp on me. Fortunately I’ve jumped out of the pot before I got cooked alive.
The DMV and the post office(if you submitted am address change) are the most likely offenders.