The video in the article shows them testing with an electric leaf blower.
The video in the article shows them testing with an electric leaf blower.
No discovery is useless. Even if it isn’t used now, it could lay the groundwork for more useful discoveries later.
Just put the laser high enough above the ground, like in orbit, and nothing will ever reach the lens.
I could use a good site like this
Perfect. Then you won’t have to pay for anything.
I imagine everyone has some slightly risky things they like to do with their free time. The way to sell it is to recognize that we’re all paying for something else other people want to do in some way or another that we don’t take advantage of ourselves. By collectively contributing to society, we can make this whole experience of life worth living for everyone. I, personally, don’t want to be forced into a plastic bubble of safety for my entire life.
People need to be allowed to enjoy their lives even if it has a cost. I’m not advocating for driving while under the influence. I’m advocating for being able to make your own choices about your own health. I think it goes further than just drugs. We even make laws preventing people from swimming in public water because they could drown. Shit happens. We can’t let cost and perfect safety ruin all the fun in the world. Just because some people can’t handle it, doesn’t mean it should be removed from life entirely.
Yeah cuz sitting on a couch watching tv is such a costly mistake. I bet you’re pro gun too and just fine with paying for the mistakes of those people
Why does it even matter if it’s safe? Why shouldn’t you be able to make the decision for yourself?
Why would people want this? How else do you find videos to watch?
But what if 10 mil is enough for me to never work again and just spend all my time doing stuff I actually care about? I might even do work that matters to me that doesn’t normally pay well if I can control it myself.
I did. Change is hard but it’s hard to argue that we would be better off without that robotics. It does a lot of work for us and we can all have better stuff because of it. In a better world we’d be excited because it means we all have to do less work but the upper class just keeps finding more stuff for us to do.
How is that worse than the huge amount of money they have to pay for insulin now?
We already have tons of terrifying sounding technologies. Almost every technology can be used in good and bad ways. We could use current gene editing to make super viruses that wipe out the entire world population. Gene editing has also given us the power to make way more food than we ever thought was possible. This new tech could create miracles for people with genes that harm them, like diabetes. Nuclear physics gave us the atomic bomb but also gave us an amazing and world changing source of energy. Staying ignorant of some science just because it could theoretically be used for something bad is never the right way to go. We have to learn everything and try to use it for the most good that we can. Plus I doubt this is something they could just randomly do to people. It’ll probably still be a rather complicated procedure only done in certain situations.
It is outdated. It just requires two clicks.