It’s like every company that wasn’t complete shit just suddenly decided to…go to complete shit.
It’s like every company that wasn’t complete shit just suddenly decided to…go to complete shit.
Don’t worry, RFK is here to make everything better!
Wasn’t that part of the point?
Not sure why anyone is surprised…they’re all bootlicking corporations that don’t want the mob boss to fuck with their mergers and/or investigate them for their various crimes.
I can’t wait for every vehicle to introduce this, thus leading to a perverse incentive whereby drivers go out of their way to avoid stopping as much as possible. How could it go wrong?
Yeah, every time I think about getting Doordash, they sucker me in with promises of $1 delivery fees, etc. Then I take the time to find out what I want, put it in my cart, get excited, and…then I see the final price.
That’s when I close out of my browser and go preheat my oven so that I can put in a frozen pizza.
Linux Mint isn’t perfect, but at least it’s not constantly trying to steal my shit or force something on me that I don’t want.
Good. Can every other company please do this too??
I know this has nothing to do with my home computer, but this just further affirms my decision to switch to Linux earlier this year.
Those were very interesting reads! Thanks for sharing.
“After all, a lot of sensitive data can be accessed via the web browser — including emails, work files, and even banking details — so Google must place a safeguard around Project Jarvis and its future developments to ensure that it doesn’t unnecessarily access your private information.”
Narrator: They did NOT place any safeguards around the project.
Thank goodness for Linux.
Wait until they hear about cell phones.
It got bad several years ago, which is when I permanently jumped ship to DDG. It’s nowhere near as good as Google used to be, but on the other hand, it’s also nowhere near as bad as Google is now.
Hilarious, and visionary!
The sad thing is that most people won’t even give a damn.
I’m also considering just getting a portable, 128GB FLAC player with a minijack connection and moving on with my life without getting involved in networking at all.
Yeah, I’d say that this is definitely the way to go. My .mp3 player only has something like 8 gigs of storage, but it takes a MicroSD card. With a 1 tb card, I can carry all the music I want (and realistically, given that your collection is pretty small, you could get away with a whole lot less than that).
Good for them! Hopefully this leads to a stronger labor movement nationwide.
Will the circle streak be unbroken?
TBF, the latter is a much better reflection of how lifeless and awful their food is.