Senior advisor at 26. Right. Veritable boy genius, our mate, isn’t he?
Senior advisor at 26. Right. Veritable boy genius, our mate, isn’t he?
I’ve hugged my laptop just now.
What are you, some kind of communist woke globalist radical?
He’s not putting “democracy on the line” he’s actively trying to destroy it.
Yeah, give it to me, baby!
If your employer requests it, they’ll pay for it. If you need to pay yourself, it’s likely a scam.
Nothing could possibly go wrong.
It’s an illusion to think business decisions are always made based on economic considerations. This is about power and control, not about saving money.
I really hope this won’t be too expensive. If it’s reasonably affordable i might just get one for my living room.
True. The yield is too small for it to be useful as a bomb.
But very necessary in this day and age.
The main attraction of fascism is that it helps assholes to feel good about themselves.
The murderers have to do C++.
Guten Appetit!
How do you connect them? Via SATA? Do you have a drive enclosure?
Having just a single drive doesn’t really provide a lot of security. I’d want at least two drives in a RAID config.
On the other hand, having one home server that does it all has its advantages. I have a mini PC with an N100 processor and two HDD drive bays. It hosts my Docker containers and holds my data. As long as you install all the software on the internal drive and keep only the data on the HDDs in RAID, you should be pretty safe. I hope. So far I’ve managed not to fuck it up.
Trying to explain nuclear safety in terms Trump administration officials might understand:
"No people take care, big machine go boom! Big machine go boom, cost big money! Golf course cannot use any more!
Telling them that people will die won’t work because that’s part of the plan.
Renewable energy presents a lot of opportunities for African countries to get out of post colonial dependence. That’s why the right hate it so much.