Welcome to the world of business. First time here huh? Might wanna strap in, this is pretty harmless when it comes to capitalists and its by-products.
Welcome to the world of business. First time here huh? Might wanna strap in, this is pretty harmless when it comes to capitalists and its by-products.
It’s probably far more common than most people realize. Open source software doesn’t automatically make it secure, and in many cases can be less secure than closed source as it’s just one or two people doing it for free.
Much easier to be tempted to do something wrong or to get others to help in and take the weight off.
Lol America as usual.
What a joke of a country - so many horrible decisions in one place.
And someone recently told me the Xz exploit doesn’t matter because no developer is stupid enough to install beta releases to prod systems lol.
Laziness and/or low skills leads to a lot of IT failures.
“What do you mean everyone is equal and I can’t just pay to get ahead? This game sucks, nothing like real life”
There’s plenty of products without subscriptions… Including your doorbell example.
Maybe you haven’t actually researched this enough?
It’s a hard call at end of day. If you want it to all be privacy respecting and open source and decentralised then you’re almost guaranteeing you won’t make money from it.
The alternative is ad based software that’s free which is also garbage.
Hard to find the balance between the two, can’t think of many examples if any that actually work besides just making a paid product that’s very good and hope it’s better enough than the rest to be successful. But even then you likely will have to cross lines because you’re just relying on viral luck at that stage.
The real question is why the fuck is this guy passing for two password managers if not more, especially if he isn’t even using one?
No I wouldn’t pay for the services of someone else when I can get it for free.
I’d pirate it if I could though?
Gmail is still good for me at least. Does everything I want, doesn’t need new features and I don’t see ads or anything.
What more would I get from someone else? I’m not going to pay for privacy at end of day.
This is why I don’t use Linux. Insecure as fuck.
Yep, you’re not wrong.
In 5 years time they’ll whittle the pledges down a bit.
In 10 they’ll remove it altogether.
I use Windows, and I honestly never see this stuff at all.
Haven’t used Linux/MacOS in a long time now but from this specific perspective they all appear the same to me. Or at worst, it’s easy to disable.
I get wanting a safe space from persecution.
But echo chambers are dangerous and can really distort your reality. I personally find going from a safe space/echo chamber to reality very jarring and much more conflicting than from a relatively safe space with some conflict to reality.
By shutting it all out I’d argue you are risking hurting yourself unless you can guarantee a safe space in every aspect of life which is very difficult.
We all want them absent. But then it sort of defeats the point of OPs post saying that BlueSky is filled with bigots when the reality is everywhere has them.
Just because you are not aware doesn’t mean they don’t exist.
Reading into blahaj.zoje more, plenty of queer folk are friendly and supportive, but plenty are also pieces of shit. Sometimes you may also not realize if you create an echo chamber what is acceptable and what bleeds into extremist rhetoric.
That’s impossible though.
You have them everywhere including on Lemmy.
Your point is “Windows is the worst of the bunch”.
It’s pretty basic/has no value… Doesn’t take a rocket scientist to disprove.
So Tesla’s entire strategy Elon was working was just abandoned.
Continues down the pathway that Tesla is just going to fade to irrelevance.