Did Glassdoor somehow force users to use their real names on the site?
Microsoft ToDo or Zenkit Tasks. Neither are self hosted but they work perfectly with multiuser setups.
I recommend putting some time into figuring out why the laptop is spontaneously rebooting. Check the event log as a start. Otherwise this same issue is going to happen with another app and it probably won’t have anything to do with whether or not that app autosaves.
Thinkpad spontaneously rebooting has some part in the blame here too, no? I mean that’s why this whole fiasco happened…
This is the reason that all of mine are hardwired (literally) through the roof. Obviously more timeconsuming to do but the signal is way more responsive than wifi (esp. when my wifi bandwidth drops due to giant periodic cloud backups or multi-gigabyte PS5 update file downloads) and I wanted to make sure that all of the video is shunted to cloud and local secure storage in whatever seconds it might take for an attacker to physically disable the camera. Dozen cables down and into my router and switch in the mancave but it is what it is.
Don’t forget Brendan Eich/Brave.
Is there a reminder/alert system for due or soon-to-be-due tasks?
I’m really stingy when it comes to subscriptions and honestly paying for anything at all that I don’t have to. But the few things that I and the wife are happy to drop a dime on are Prime, Netflix and unlimited cable and cell data. I got the Verizon NF and Starz deal last year, 1 year for both for $74 and I watch NF constantly. Every day. I’d pay $20/month for it easily. Similarly I’m always buying shrapnel on Prime. I know I could live without it but it’s essential enough to us to warrant the outlay.
But I thought Zed was dead, honey…
He reminds me of Translucent.
Brand new linux distro in three… two…
I actually had a lot of fun a couple years ago deploying PiHole on one of my RaspberryPi’s and routing all my household machines through it. It worked great UNTIL… my kid was turning in empty homework on Google Classroom and his teachers were getting up him about it. We chastised him thinking it was his fault until I finally discovered that Pihole was messing up his uploads to GC and literally causing this problem. I got super angry with it and walked away without even trying to troubleshoot. Had to profusely apologise not only to his teachers but to him.
Cache Magic rootless - sileo://package/com.sop.cachemagicrootless - from https://sopppra.mooo.com/
Yep. If you have Android just use Joplin.
Not for free. You have to use Obsidian Sync (paid sub) for Android.
Just turn this option off in the Editor settings.
I wish had a dime for every time I’ve seen a homeless person walk into a McDonalds, Jack In The Box or similar, just fill up their skanky ass cup (I even saw one take a cup out of the trash can outside first) from the machine and walk out, of course without paying. Like it or not this move makes sense. I don’t mind asking an employee for a refill.