Seems to be currently down so presumably being fixed.
Seems to be currently down so presumably being fixed.
Flagged by who?
It’s pretty standard in divorces to agree custody as part of the divorce, most custody cases are just “This is what we’ve decided to do”, “cool, here’s a paper that says that”.
I feel like “Okay” for a new food is normal. I’ve never loved a new food the first time, it’s either gross or fine and if it’s fine then maybe I need to cook it different or just try it a few different ways before it’s more familiar then I’ll enjoy it.
Basically this might be a food that in 20-30 years she’s sitting down with her kid and making them try it cause it’s “the best food” and being really upset by a lacklustre response.
Just put a UK address in?
I have access to the email of a rescue I work for, like dogs and cats. The amount of these we get is ridiculous. We don’t want to be the top of google! We already get 7 million emails asking us to take animals or idiots looking for a free puppy for christmas!
American workers rights really scare me. Tipping being allowed to subsidise wages is awful, but so is the safety legislation, and child labour laws. We have issues in the UK obviously, but they’re relatively minor in comparison.
Five guys have different sizes, it’s just that the smallest size is “fuckloads of chips” and then they go up from there.
I do that at pizza places when it’s an option. Sometimes a small pizza can be 1500 calories, that’s too much. Kids will often be less oil and salt too which I prefer for health and taste reasons.
Everything doesn’t exist. There are 97 episodes currently missing. I started watching from the first ep a while back, there was a fair few more missing at the time, but I pretty soon got lost with big chunks missing.
You can use iplayer through a VPN if that’s useful to you.
Yeah, the bigger supermarkets are too aren’t they? Like there’s some lovely supermarkets with nice styling, but they’re usually the little ones.
We have a few of these warehouse type shops in the UK, Costco, Matalan, that sort of thing, it’s not styled like a high street shop would be.
I’m not in the US but what makes you feel this is run down?
You are allowed to get in the bath while it’s running.
The one with the parrots
Streams are better than torrents for TV outside of the biggest shows.
The best bits are all on youtube. If it’s one that people still talk about now then it’ll be on there.
I kinda liked the made up stories, like some guy saying he hit his wife in the face cause she was ‘being hysterical’ just makes me upset about the state of the world.
Clearly fake “I sold my friends dog because she ate the last muffin” is fun.