This isn’t enough for work apps that require Android Device Policy unfortunately. When I researched it in November I found that it would require too many permissions so GrapheneOS isn’t planning on supporting it.
This isn’t enough for work apps that require Android Device Policy unfortunately. When I researched it in November I found that it would require too many permissions so GrapheneOS isn’t planning on supporting it.
I wanted to do that but need to use Google apps for work (specifically google chat won’t work).
I wonder what the reason for that speed difference on a seedbox is. I’d like to set up a custom server for other things at home so I’d prefer to use that over a seedbox.
I hear the big downside with Usenet is availability of old or obscure content. Not sure how true this is though as I’ve never used Usenet myself.
How was the affect of this? Was there a quantifiable lower amount of people coming with scam tickets?
This would actually be a bit more difficult. So first it would be easy for me to set up lemmy1.derproid.com, lemmy2.derproid.com, etc. but if you could just defed from *.derproid.com it’s no problem. However setting up lemmy1.com, lemmy2.com, etc. is more expensive because you would need to register and pay for each of those domains individually.
That’s not to say it’s impossible but there is a bigger barrier to it.
This alone wouldn’t help because I can just set up an instance that requires email verification (or any other kind) and automate it still since I can make infinite emails with my own domain.
This is exactly why they wouldn’t risk officially advertising here. Not enough control over the platform leads to too much risk to brand perception.
I was actually talking to someone that works in advertising and for big companies this is unlikely. Pepsi for example pays a lot for the guarntee that their product ads won’t appear near posts they don’t want them to. Since Lemmy advertising would only be through regular posts where they have no control over this, they likely wouldn’t risk the potential detriment to brand perception.
Now this can change if the potential reach of Lemmy is big enough but that size will be different for each company.
So maybe more weight should be put on comment count? Much harder to fake those.
That’s such a hilariously bad metric for detecting a bot network too. It wouldn’t even work to detect a real one, so all that policy ever did was annoy real users.
Each instance should probably have a 2 to 4 sentence summary (maybe 240 character limit lol) that could be included there so people could easily compare the philosophy of those recommendations if they care to read it.
Yeah I’ll probably end up doing this eventually, just hope there’s a way to migrate my account when I do.
Yeah I’ll probably end up doing this eventually, just hope there’s a way to migrate my account when I do.
Even he knows reddit is a sinking ship.
Doesn’t need to be publicly traded to have those issues.
This is huge, would love to see any other info on this.
Ah that’s a good point, should probably be doing that.
I just keep things seeding until I need more space, then I’ll remove things based on ratio, average upload per day, and how much I want to keep the torrent alive. For example Queen Charlotte ratio is at 81.12, I don’t really like it but since a lot of people want it I’m keeping it up. Alternatively for anime it’s mostly a ratio of 2-3 but because I know how few people actually seed anime I keep it up (doesn’t hurt that it’s only like 1 GiB per episode too). As for removals I’m probably gonna remove High On Life soon since it’s pretty heavy at 35.98 GiB and only has a ratio of 4.67 after 2 weeks.
Damn that mouse, I’d even be fine with life of the author in theory. But life of the author +70 freaking years is ridiculous.