le script:
ls ~/downloads
le script:
ls ~/downloads
Hundreds lol what is a it the junior league?
I’m sorry OP, but I’m not sure you under stand what is the purpose of comments - people reacting to the video, meaning people watch the video and then say what’s on their mind regarding the video (I feel silly explaining this lol) if you don’t want to see spoilers on the video watch it first.
What did you expect to see there anyway?
I thought it was Ron Swanson impersonating Jerry/Garry
I don’t understand why this is not an expected answer
Using it as well for 2 years I think! Great stuff
I guess you can say I’m a very old pirate when people shared ftps and call them pubs and downloading from bots on mirc kazzaa and emule. I never heard about usenet until I started using lemmy and since then it’s all I hear about lol. I tried to understand it but it feels very complex and cost money
Lmao, this is indeed a red flag, stay the fuck back haha
This is true if everybody do it, otherwise nothing will change. As we know there are too many people on the planet and too many idiots among them that will buy these products and so company can’t get away with everything nowadays. Look at Facebook, Twitter, reddit, hp. In my country there’s a huge food company that put fucking poison in baby formulas, and killed some of them (and others with lifetime growth issues) and guess what? People stopped buying from them for 2 years, they pulled through and now they are one of the top companies.