they might be talking about those questionably-legal licenses off ebay
they might be talking about those questionably-legal licenses off ebay
Dead Internet theory is becoming more than just a theory
A friend dragged me into an extracurricular competitive programming when we were in school. Had to code in Pascal, of all languages.
Funny thing is, the first session was full to the point of people having to stand, a month or two later only 3 people attended, and that’s when it stopped.
Keed using it, set up smartd
to check up on it regularly and send you an email if something goes wrong.
I think the word you’re looking for is “funny”.
The cat is at fault in this one, though.
I think it’s like this: what used to be group in regular permissions output is a union of group and ACL mask in ACL output. Mask sets the upper limit of what ACL can do, so if mask is rw- then it’s impossible to set a r-x ACL permission because allowing execution is not allowed.
This seems to be more geared towards enterprise environment where it could be complicated to cleanly define groups, since you can only give access to one you might run into a problem where dept. A needs access to that directory but also person G from dept. B and person K from dept. C.
Oh to play Outer Wilds for the first time again.
But as good as that sounds in theory, I would rather keep my memories untampered. Brains are really bad at actually remembering things as they were at the time when they were remembered, any tampering might as well go unnoticed. I would rather not experience my favorite media for the first time again and also not risk getting my entire personality rewritten because of a bug or even worse - deliberate action.
Less good russians online whining how “sanctions and entry restrictions to EU are bad for those who don’t support the war, actually”.
Hey, I’m not blaming all Japanese in America for Pearl Harbor, I’m blaming all Japanese in Japan for Pearl Harbor.
If you cannot express your opinion under the threat of death (but more likely, if you are a normal person and not a politician, a slap on the wrist or in worst case jail time), does your opinion really matter?
I have nothing to say about Iraq invasion except that one invasion for dumb reasons and shitty intelligence make all invasions for dumb reasons justified I guess.
You in your other comment say “a nation of people who are unable to change their government with voting or revolution”.
Under this definition, questioning government is going to achieve what, exactly?
They had anywhere from 115 months to 19 months, depending on where you start counting, to make up their minds about who’s at fault in this war. If this much time isn’t enough…
Starlinks do actually have stationkeeping thrusters, thats how they can spread apart after a group of them is deployed together, and that’s how they can have 5 year designed lifetime at an orbit this low.
Atmospheric drag, not gravity. ☝️🤓
Although technically correct because gravity is stronger on lower orbit owing to being closer to the Earth.
I pay for stuff when I have money to spare or when it’s more convenient like with Factorio or Rimworld where updating mods is infinitely easier through official channels.
rant (cont.)
I can even understand unwillingness to give ATACMS, you don’t have a lot of them and need them all to fight Mexican drug cartels or whatever you would use ballistic missiles for in 2023.
You don’t even use f16 anymore, and just sold some to Vietnam recently.
There’s at least few hundreds Abrams tanks sitting in the desert in dry storage. But no, 31 is all we get.
And the total clownery of political debate where at least two candidates build their platform on being friends with russia and china and stopping all support to Ukraine.
And the total clownery of passing a lend lease act in 2022 and then not using it - trusting Ukraine to win so as to not burden us with returning leased hardware, but not trusting enough to give enough to win.
I’m glad you have some optimism left in you. I don’t.
Trump or that clown Sunak winning your election will have catastrophic effects for my country who’s been in full scale war for almost 2 years. All the while the “allies” drag this war out by giving bullshit reasons to not send long range missiles and aircraft (uwu 5-8 months basic proficiency for fighter pilots proficient on a different platform , also known as “if they started even last year, f16s would be flying at least SEAD by now and not relying on a jank adaptor to launch HARM”), and decide that sending 31 Abrams tanks is good enough for a 1200km long frontline.
I had some optimism in March 2022, despite how bad everything looked at the time, it slowly diminished to what it is now by Spring of 2023 when it became clear that goal #1 for our “allies” is NOT to end this war, as quickly as possible, but to bleed russia out, death by a thousand cuts, all with our lives.
As will be every year after that. It’s all downhill from here folks.
If the traffic is encrypted, how would they know?