Assuming this actually leads to anything and we now have a functional US fab, wouldn’t this be the dawn of the $5,000 iPhone SE?
Assuming this actually leads to anything and we now have a functional US fab, wouldn’t this be the dawn of the $5,000 iPhone SE?
Scroll down to the games description. There is usually a chart that shows what the different versions contain. I see it there for the Anno bundles.
This guy gets it.
Yes but if the original owner used the game with cheats/hacks/mods or if they cloned it and multiple people used it at the same time then that game cartridge would get flagged by Nintendo and banned. Maybe your Nintendo account gets banned, maybe the console doesn’t allow you to play it, or maybe the game doesn’t do online features anymore. Point is Nintendo decides what happens to your physical copy moving forward. At that point do you become an accomplice in getting others in trouble by reselling or take the L? After all it’s not like the game looks/feels any different despite being a banned game.
Except for the fact that Nintendo is doing exactly that on the switch. Physical games have a digital license embedded in the cartridge itself. In this way Nintendo can stop people from ripping games and sharing the backups with friends. With that said be careful when buying used switch games.
- Never reply to people you don’t know who seek you out, only seek out jobs.
Just want to add to this. Don’t take job postings at face value. There are also employment scams to be wary of. Verify as much of their info as you can before you give any PII. Just because you found them on a legit site, doesn’t mean that the job ad is real. The only thing stopping you from getting scammed is yourself. Stay vigilant.
It’s bad practice to do it, but it makes it especially easy for end users who already trust both the source and the script.
You’re not wrong but this is what lead to the xz “hack” not to long ago. When it comes to data, trust is a fickle mistress.
Day 1 dictator.
They’re not trying to fuck over the banks. They have better lawyers.
Department of Government Efficiency. Headed by Elon Musk, the guy responsible for sending that crypto coin to the moon with a single tweet. This is America now. One big meme.
Is plugging it in an option? USB?
Not the most elegant solution but have you looked at Shelly devices? They are smart relays that connect to your switches in the wall. They connect via Wi-Fi, cloud optional. Newer ones are supposed to support things like Threads and Matter. What I love about them is that you can use any switch you want.
First word even
A capitalist one
Some stores do just that. I know I’ve done it for Target, Walmart, Home Depot, and Lowe’s.
I don’t think he would be as famous if people weren’t doing drugs while listening to his music
So how does one acquire the training data that this will use. It sounds like they are gonna gather “all” of the original copies from various publishers in order to train the AI. Would be a real shame if someone were to discover where that was being stored.
If you want something that far “out of print” those repacks are your best bet. The only other options that MIGHT be available are key reseller sites. If you’re lucky they have some keys. If they still work is another problem.
Anecdotal but I moved somewhat recently and found my box of old consoles/games. I found my copy of Marvel Vs Capcom 3 (PS3) and booted it up to find out that I never claimed the DLC. I bought the steelbook Special Edition with a DLC code for the extra characters. Tried to redeem and apparently the code expired. If I want the characters I have to buy the “Ultimate” version of the game which has the characters on the disk.
The future of net neutrality is already decided, has been for a while. The only question is when. Does NN end now or later. We already let the wolves in.
Is this what Trump meant when he said “you won’t have to vote anymore”?