Yes, I still have it showing up in Windows/Android, and phone numbers show their cost per minute.
New account since lemmyrs.org went down, other @Deebster
s are available.
Yes, I still have it showing up in Windows/Android, and phone numbers show their cost per minute.
I have a load of credit on there still (got tricked by them deactivating my credit and topped up unnecessarily). I still use it for international calls at least once a month, I hope this news story is overblown.
I HATE those sites where popups come up when you are halfway reading something.
Agreed, if I did want to sign up it would be when I’ve finished, not when I’m trying to read your own bloody content. I often sign up using their own domain with something like sales@ or something ruder. Petty, but it’s a small vent. and if one person stops because of it I can die happy.
This is gloriously insane and I love it.
And then to casually drop in that
it uncovered a Pleroma bug by accidentally DOSing any instance that tried to generate a link preview… chef’s kiss
It’s how everyone who’s anyone does code reviews!
Lots of the industrial programming languages are very different to “normal”/“proper” programming languages, and I can see them being localised.
For example, this is (PLC programming language) Ladder Logic code:
It works great and the config is simple. It doesn’t handle triggering things from those keypresses, but you’ve probably already got something running that does that.
I happily use Helix for Rust, etc projects, and as a general editor. I switch back to VSCode for TypeScript/Svelte projects because the plugins make it more productive for me. I do miss the editing experience and need to check if there’s a VSCode plugin that lets me not confuse my muscle memory.
Helix was the thing that finally made me remap my caps lock key to esc
I just had mine arrive yesterday!
I have one of these
I’m using ch57x-keyboard-tool to configure it, because I don’t fancy running some random closed-source Chinese code (the manual links to a file on Google Drive). It also means I can move over my config when I switch to Linux.
I have two keys for switching between headphones and speakers, and some set up for shortcuts I forget (like ctrl-shift-e for the network monitor in Firefox). One key types “hello” just because I can.
I’ve got the large knob controlling volume, and I can click it to toggle mute. The other two are currently set to scroll, but I don’t need that as my mouse has better ergonomics for scrolling.
I still have plenty of unused keys and it’s got three layers so I won’t be running out in the foreseeable future.
This isn’t a million miles from what bitcoin mining does, although in that case they’re trying to find hashes that start with a lot of zeroes.
The uncropped version makes it a bit clearer:
It’s also clearer that it’s from an AI.
That doesn’t work, though.
For a recursive acronym, you want something like ADFRA Didn’t Forget Recursive Acronyms.
date-fns? It’s third in my search results but doesn’t ring any bells to me.
I’ll be very happy to not have to use Date
any more. Pop quiz, what’s in whatnum
const vday = new Date('14 February 2025');
const whatnum = vday.getDay() - vday.getMonth();
Err, it’s 5… Ha, amazing; that’s not even the gotcha I meant to demonstrate. getDay
returns the day of the week, the day of the month is returned from getDate
Take two:
const vday = new Date('14 February 2025');
const whatnum = vday.getDate() - vday.getMonth();
So this is 14 - 2 = 12, right? Nope! The day (from getDate) is 1-based whereas month is 0-based, so 14 - 1 = 13.
TypeScript’s readonly is compile-time only and has zero runtime cost
This point means that I’ll probably never use the good ideas in this post: if I’m doing JS complicated enough to need Object.freeze(), I’ll be doing it in Typescript.
the neater and more consistent your handwriting, the easier time the Nuwa pen will have captur[ing] it
That’s me out then
This might even be an appropriate use for AI (maybe even running in-browser for privacy). I imagine something that reads your prompt and auto-populates a few rings to search. You review and edit the suggested rings, then click search.
I just went to look for answers this, since report-uri.com is killing its free tier, and the lowest paid is way higher than my usage justifies. What did you settle on?
I like the take that they have in that thread: Perforce is forking Puppet into a non-Open Source version (but they’re keeping the name).
I guess some people might go with f-s-tayb, but I wouldn’t necessary recognise what they were saying.