People are making PCs with this case
People are making PCs with this case
Unfortunately, not many linux distros support PowerPC and Minecraft is now way to heavy for this old hardware…
I have for project to build a gaming pc, but I think I won’t use it for this (for now, I’ll see when I’ll be more experienced)
I have also a G3, so I could probably make a “new art” coffee table x)
(flatpak only :p )
Why not use Pixelorama or Libresprite ? They are both really easy and nice
La grève ça coûte cher. Personellement, mes parents ont du arrêter sinon on aurais pas fini le mois. On est plus en 68. Mai 68 a marché car on avait pas de crédit au cul. Maintenant presque tout le monde à quelque chose à crédit, et les huissiers n’hésite pas à te virer de chez toi pour que tu paye
You don’t know how France works. And you think we let him do what he wants ? We’re just fucking tired of always fighting. And I hope we’re close to the final fight.
He has the cops and doesn’t hesitate to use them
Only ~65% of French people have voted on the first round, and only 27.84% voted for him on the first round. So it’s not representaive of " people". And if your asking why so many people didn’t vote, it’s beacause the working class and the younger people are desperate and think that in any case the future president, whoever he is, will do nothing for them (which is kinda true).
Our president. We’re for nothing ._. And yeah, he’s loved by no one
Naming your kid Byte or Bit is a bad idea in french-speaking countries