So someone is gonna tell you when they use your picture/ video for their personal use?? Lol bro
So someone is gonna tell you when they use your picture/ video for their personal use?? Lol bro
Yo, shoot a list bro cause im dry af… I mostly watch community, it’s always sunny in Philadelphia, that 70s show, 30 rock etc…
Ahhhh, fine. It’s reasonable to say that people ought to have rights over their own likeness? So if you’re walking down the street and someone’s recording you, what? You melt down over your likeness? Hide in your house for fear that someone will take a picture of you?
Mr. Vulpine, what you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this chat room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
Marvel’s spiderman remastered would be freakin awesome! Thanks for the chance
I could argue that at the time counter strike came out, pc and consoles were very separate and practically no one was using a game pad on pc.
There’s no way it’s that easy… is it??
Wow 120 dollars a month is a pretty hefty price. Didn’t know that’s what the cost was
They’re already here…
And if you don’t own apple products, why would you care?
Why? Just don’t buy apple.
“The number of the beast!!”
I would say it’s mostly tech illiterate people or people with enough money to not care about the cost. I’ve been watch NFL games for free for about 8 years
That. Is. Hilarious. I always block anyone that pops up as torrent storm since I never get any data from people on that service
Man, the guy in this thumbnail has a perfect face for radio…
Very freakin cool dude. Thanks for the read and knowledge!
Is that why my phone isn’t always dying now that I’m not on reddit? It used to get mad hot after about 15 minutes. Now being on lemmy my phone is actually pretty cool to the touch…
Where would they get forebrain neurons if they didn’t have access to baby foreskin…?
Completely finished Brooklyn and the good place but archer seems awesome from the first episode I saw… appreciate you bro