Well it would hardly be the cyclist fault if pedestrians and others don’t pay attention to their surroundings?
I don’t see that as a legitimate reason to be a noise complaint.
You’ve never heard about bicycle bells, have you?
They are, just not your people ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
If you don’t regularly transplant new ones in maybe.
Nice ad I guess?
Skill issue tbh, just rotate your screen a quarter and watch gravity do it’s work. Trust me, I have a doctorate in troll physics
Sounds like femcel commentary, no offence.
Have you met people?! I’m surprised it’s only 20 million. It shows a near saint like self-control on Bluesky’s part.
Your attempts at using homophobia
Stop, we are not doing this. If that’s where you mind goes on the first thought, that’s on you.
Either I’m a woman, or I’m a gay man, meaning I’m probably into beige towers of guys and your joke has failed.
The joke stays the same, some might find it funny others might not. It’s generally not very proper to talk about dicks in a general conversation, no matter how much you like them or not.
Btw, I’m a woman.
Congratulations, I don’t know why you had to bring that up, but I’m very happy for you.
It only got racist after you just had to mention that you where talking about computers, not people.
Unless you normally talk about the huge beige towers of other guys.
Counterpoint; it’s really none of their business to know how often I click on something, and neither do I want them to have the ability to figure that out either because there is no reason to assume that those are the only data points they can get their grubby hands on.
If there is no reasonable way for me to differentiate between spying and telemetry, I rather wish they couldn’t do either.
See? That’s what drugs does to a motherfucker, no clue what’s going on around him anymore.
Jokes aside, I’m also really curious what that has to do with electricity prices.
You are just three tiny edgelords in a trenchcoat, aren’t you?
A few years ago you would be absolutely right. Nowadays most Linux distributions are pretty straightforward in their installation process though.
Its not about the quantity but about the right balance between all the different plastics.
Habbo hotel for the little, little ones I think?
Pfft, in my time bricks had a very specific definition with respect to masonry work.
You damn kids with your fake definitions for real words, I swear it’s because y’all are rotting your brains away with all these new mediums for acquiring news.