Cloudalist’s and their technofuedalism
Cloudalist’s and their technofuedalism
I believe this is what was added
Doesn’t that suggest some kind of pattern of instruction or guidance being given to the presidential role?
A symptom of believing they are better than others.
Another reason why companies like Amazon treats it’s workforce like garbage. They are seen as replaceable in the near future.
The attitude you describe is, I believe, the result of capitalist and religious propaganda that reinforces individualism rather than collectivist and non-religious yet spiritual philosophies. Those like Hinduism, Confucianism, Zen and Toaism.
Not to sell any one in particular but the common thread in the East is a different perspective than a boss in the sky eternally judging each individual.
Even if you aren’t religious, advertising will tell you you’re a special, unique and seperate individual. Desiring to stand out as famous, beautiful, smart, funny, strong etc is just a trap but one desired by many. Unfortunately, to be above others, then others must be below you. To be rich, there must be poor.
An understanding of this force of balance shows that to minimise the extremes of poverty you must minimise the extremes of wealth.
The East sees our true self is the larger whole of which we as Humanity are a small part of. While your name may seperate you conceptually, none of us are separate from the air we breath or the stars we see. Nothing is seperate even though the mind feels and believes it is so. Are you really in control? Do you beat your heart? When you make a decision, do you first decide to decide?
I only say all this because, when one genuinely switches thinking this way, then naturally you want to be generous and caring towards all others because you see everything as yourself includeing all that is non human.
These philosophies are not the complete answer to our problems because many of these philosophies were born in China and, even though it’s embedded in their culture, they are still struggling like everyone else. But a more modern widespread common understanding of the true nature of the situation may be beneficial.
This mini-doco on drone warfare in Ukraine is bone chilling:
Violence towards Billionaires will only justify further well funded and aggressive responses.
I see this as just another step towards the extremes of ridiculousness that is fundamentalist Islamic religion. Imagine being so disconnected from existence, and being so hypnotised by words, that you would subjugate those in your culture who, through their natural virtue, embody the positive characteristics of the very god they describe and worship such as love, compassion, acceptance, understanding, yeilding, giving etc.
Global oligarchy. Not just America
Your third point reminded me of a kid recently who committed suicide and his only friend was an AI bot.
By choice, because fuck toxic culture and herd mentality
Will keep happening as long as contracts are awarded based on flashy proposals.
You emphasised the word exactly but op didn’t say that. Did you read his comment before hitting submit?
There are billions of people on earth who don’t have access to a computer.
With Google providing 80% of Mozilla’s finding, I think we can all see whats going to happen next.
Changed only a few weeks ago from Win 11, all the AI crap was creeping in. Using Ubuntu and really enjoying it!
“Your mom” also works.
A democratic that is average at democracy is better than a conservative who is great at authoritarianism.