Yeah you can see the effect even with something simple like the words “Mexicans” or “Jews” or “Men”, depending on the heat and spin you put on the word it can either just be a descriptive word in a benign sentence or it can have a silent “those dirty fucking” just before it. So I can definitely see how some people have been using it as a slur but context matters and probably shouldn’t be blanket moderated
Thing is that’s how slurs are born isn’t it? All slurs started as descriptive words for groups of people but when enough people use them with disdain or malice for long enough, suddenly the word becomes irredeemable and it can no longer be said without having all that hate automatically added on intentional or not.
Even the n word would have started out as a regional term simply for black people (hear me out). If you look at the word or the way it’s pronounced it’s really just a mangled or incorrectly pronounced version of the word negro which is simply the Spanish/latin word for the colour black. But because of the people that said it, in the way that they said it, in the region they said it, at the time that they said it, it can no longer be said lest you be magically transported back to the 1800’s with a whip in your hands.
So even though cisgender is not currently a slur, if it continues to follow the path of all slurs before it, one day it will be