Whatttt the fuckkkkk
Whatttt the fuckkkkk
Clayton Bigsby, and Yeezy isn’t blind, which makes it even better
He was that committed to the cause
It gets better. Shopify took down the store. This is what replaced it 😆
It’s almost as this is done in a manner to distract from the hidden intention and doing it at Twitter was a test that confirmed its effectiveness. What a weird but definitely not happening possibility. Look over there! 👉 It’s a trans immigrant that wants your dogs and women’s gold medals!!
I disagree with the “ah ok” part
Yeah, it’s right in the wheel well 👌
Them: Hey Sal! We got another liar that says he didn’t go through the 20 steps to disconnect the telemetry and thinks we’re gonna believe that some tire inflater just did him a solid without telling him…
he did just fine
He was literally crucified. It’s the main symbol of the religion. The whole point of Jesus was to be tortured to death. That’s the whole fucking point. It’s why we can be forgiven without a deadly sacrifice. WTF is she talking about???
yeah, it’s using the medieval character set
Mildly?? This is completely inappropriate.
Hard not to when rejecting a fantastic offer from MBS could end in an assassination. I’m interested in seeing how the West handles this loose cannon.
third it. I read that book during COVID lock down and it was insightful.
omg gross
Smart observation! While it doesn’t give a precise location (~300 miles), that info can still be dangerous to certain people. A state agency with a history of going after activists and journalists (eg North Korea & Saudi Arabia) could use that info to know where to focus efforts if not at least somewhat confirm their target’s location found through other means. If anything, they could at the least find out what country their target is hiding in.
The How to Protect Yourself section doesn’t provide instructions on how to protect yourself. I guess there really isn’t a way to protect yourself if you use those services, correct? The best thing you could do is prohibit notifications and only open communication from people you trust. That seems quite limiting and keeps your vulnerability in the control of anyone that messages you anyway. The only effective way to protect yourself is to not use any communication services at all, which would then make activists and journalists ineffective.
Did you read the disclaimer before you chose to get offended?
Aside from that, I find it weird that the governor of a state has repeatedly spoken on behalf of the entire state illegitimately declaring what is and isn’t welcomed in the state. In the past, he said something about Florida is where woke goes to die. It’s a weird thing to do because the governor is the lead executive of a state government, not the cultural voice of the entire state. As far as I can tell, the state legislature decides who and what is welcomed in a state through laws. Aside from that, the population itself would be its own voice. Am I wrong? Does any other governor do that?
Disclaimer: I don’t disagree with the Andrew Tate thing, but I find it weird that a governor is making these statements.