I think that was like a proper motion picture too not even a made for TV. Weird movie though
I think that was like a proper motion picture too not even a made for TV. Weird movie though
Yeah you’re definitely right that there is still incentive to make games performant and accessible, AND that performance still often gets overlooked at launch and patched up post release (capcom and ubisoft you lil bitches), but I think the hard line of a necessary benchmark for consoles forces optimization to be worked on throughout development and helps indie devs manage their scope from the start as well as level the playing field a bit.
But all of this kind of misses the forest for the trees in that no game is going to be made more fun by loosening hardware restrictions.
This notion that hardware limits hold games back is nonsense and could only come from someone with no development experience. Hardware benchmarks have only benefited the ecosystem of games. Without those benchmarks and the gradual standardization of architecture that the last two gens of consoles have provided the indie market would not be flourishing the way it is. Not to mention it forces AAA titles to actually optimize their shit. Imagine a world where developers had no incentive to care about performance? “tough shit buy a new GPU.” A true gamers paradise.
Yeah and there are tons of angles and gestures for human subjects that AI just can’t figure out still. Any time I’ve seen a “stunning” AI render it’s some giant FOV painting with no real subject or the subject takes up a 12th of the canvas.
This is now the 4th time they’re trying? Give it up already…
I definitely would love to see a rework of the network stack at large but idk how you’d do it without an insane amount of cooperation among tech giants which seems sort of impossible
They “supported” a bill that they immediately circumvented, yeah. They had no interest in protecting right to repair they just wanted the PR. It should surprise no one that they’re opposed to actual bills that force them to alter their business practices.
These companies tend to own or have long term leases, so either they are stuck paying rent and have to justify the expense or they own an asset that is depreciating in value and they could stop that from happening by spending no money to force their employees back into the office. You have to think about the big money, too. Real estate is a cornerstone asset for big money, many banks and real estate empires hold these enormous office buildings and society trending towards WFH means those buildings are rapidly losing their value.
It’s a collection of already existing products not a product on it’s own, and the image is an AI rendering. It’s just a goofy promotion at a single liquor store, like when movie stores do like mystery movie nights and put movies in a brown sack and write something like “for Nicholas Cage lovers” on it. If it is illegal it sure doesn’t seem worth enforcing.
Ah, there’s the rub. Thanks I was having a hard time figuring this one out.
Maybe Steve Jobs’ corpse will finally kiss you for this post
Get it’s ass in gear? Apple has been actively fighting RtR and expandability in every way and only ‘supported’ the last RtR bill in Cali because they already had a circumvention in place using versioning. This is the exact same thing, PR gets to say they’re carbon neutral while they pump the exact same amount of CO2 into the air each year. It’s not just bad practice it’s deceitful.
The point is that the movie is extremely stupid and yet still we can find parallels between our world and this dumb movie. Our reality is fucking dumb. Nothing pseudo intellectual about it.
No memes at all are funny? I find that really hard to believe to be honest, and it sort of suggests that you have a flawed understanding of what a meme is outside of the 20’s bastardization of it that means “funny picture with text.” It also sounds like something an adolescent would say to distinguish themselves.
Nobody was this happened 6 years ago and the officers were fired swiftly afterwards.
Well the hospitality is managed by a private corporation and they definitely aren’t using any animals from the park but the irony of that is pretty excellent lmao
They easily could have and should have scared that little cub off. I live near Yellowstone and every year some dunderhead tries to get a selfie with a bear or a wolf or whatever so I’m not sure why I’m surprised. A few years ago some folks even put a bison calf in their car on a cold night to help keep it warm? I guess? And the herd ended up rejecting him and they put him down to spare him starvation.
I’m pretty interested to see the prompt they use for Unreal
Wow well I guess I’ll eat crow. I never thought that was possible to automate but given the use of LLMs I guess it is… Excited to see how it turns out
All the GOP does anymore is block useful bills when they can and shitpost the rest of the time.