Because some people enjoy milk with their food? (I know it’s not the answer you’re going for)
Because some people enjoy milk with their food? (I know it’s not the answer you’re going for)
To be fair, the linked site does a decent job of saying what it is/does
Maybe reach out to the smaller artists, then? I’m sure most of them aren’t opposed to sending you a file if you pay
The link doesn’t work, but I just found out it’s actually supported on mine! Although I probably won’t mess with it, since I’m not alone here
Sadly there’s little option for some stuff. Robot vacuums have become super useful, even if they are arguably the biggest security risk that exists. And that will never change, no matter how capable the products get
To be fair, I think it does, I just value the privacy of literally every internet user over the mild consequences faced by most about children. You have to break some eggs sometimes, and it’s better the children draw the short stick rather than everyone else.
What? It is not illegal for children to access pornography. It is at best illegal for people to allow children access to pornography. (Outside of countries where pornography is banned outright)
Yep. I spent a couple years as a child in a country with country-wide blocks on some internet content. However, google images wasn’t blocked (duh.) Reddit wasn’t blocked (not that I knew the site at the time).
Only thing it changed from a user-perspective was using either shitty and seedy VPN’s or simply going to more questionable sites the authority blocklist didn’t know of yet. And I’ll be honest, I doubt that sites like xnxx (back then) are much better for a developing child than the somewhat controlled sites. There’s so many niche porn sites out there that they can’t all be blocked. You only end up blocking access to sites that are the flattest for access by minors, ironically. (To be clear, I’m not saying that it’s great that minors access that content, either)
I hate the fact that you’re probably right about that reason.
Why would you want to defederate at all? It’s akin to hiding your head in the sand, except done on a community-wide scale. Just because you can’t see the nazi over there in the bushes doesn’t mean he isn’t squatting there, observing you.
uYou++ is an option for iPhone (installed through AltStore/Sideloadly.
Been using it for about two years now? Works flawlessly. Well, YouTube, if you’d wanted me to stay on the stock app you should have left the ‘press info and click do not show ad’ feature enabled.
Ah yes, America, the land of freedom and of the free!
Freedom to be free from people you dislike, it seems…
I’ve gone through at least 5 or so Philips sonicare brushes, and it’s almost universally the linkage to the brush head that fails. Seems like they can’t handle the vibration for more than a couple years.
The buttons aren’t terribly insulated from water/other crap too, but honestly I’ve never had them fail, so it’s certainly not that huge of a concern
And, was he good at his job??
I’d say it’s because the person you’re replying to rightfully sees it as a slippery slope. If you say this fake image that didn’t directly harm anyone is illegal, what’s to stop you from saying some other fake image that’s much more in line with social tastes is also illegal? Ie an artwork made of human shit, for example. Most people would be repulsed by that. But it doesn’t change the fact that it could be art. As long as it doesn’t concretely harm someone, it’s hard to equate it to said harm.
Fair. Although it is nice seeing needlessly well built products when they do pop up (as long as you don’t need to pay for that extra build quality, of course)
Frozen fruit as in normal packets of frozen whatever? It’s an interesting idea you mentioned, tell me more
It was a badly thought out product, I agree. It also failed quite spectacularly because of it. I just brought it up because it was actually a really good deal based on the device quality itself. Sadly the entire press can’t even use normal burlap pouches with fruit inside, it doesn’t produce the pressure. It might have been a turd, but by god, they put as much gold on it as they could.
I think juicers themselves can be a good product, but not with an idiotic business model behind it too. Oh and they should not require WiFi access for DRM verification of the juice packets and device.
I mean it’s partially true, do you remember Juicero? The entire goal was to get you integrated into the subscription model. It was well built, but they still priced it in a way that would make people want to buy the service needed to actually use it. Most companies either want subscriptions, or willingly lower build quality just to be able to sell you a new version within a shorter timeframe
Shudder. Not sure I could drink that, honestly