Josef Mengele died in 1979
Josef Mengele died in 1979
Ew no. They’re going to taste like silicone and suncreen I bet.
“Sorry, we’ll come back later when you’re feeling better.”
I guess that’s just a factor of this being a non profit thing. A user-built social media platform doesn’t have to do everything it can to retain user eyeballs for as many seconds a day as possible.
Fun fact: Spider-man wasn’t allowed to punch enemies in that show.
Curse you, I was just about to upload this. My spirits are crushed and my dreams are ruined!
Nature is so beautiful.
With what money, Elon? You can’t afford to pay Google or office rent but you’re going to pay Mr. Beast?
Fun fact: the standard qwerty layout was made to slow typewriter typing down by putting common keys off the home row and apart from each other. This was done to prevent the little key arm thingies from colliding and jamming when typing quickly.
EDIT: Apparently this is not a fact